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Policy 4050: Computer Assignment and Replacement Policy

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University Policy # 4050

Section 1. Purpose

This policy is established to define how desktop and laptop computers are assigned to faculty and staff, and to clarify the appropriate assignment of used workstations.

Section 2. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to authority granted to the President by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System Board of Trustees.

Section 3. Effective Date

This policy shall become effective upon signature by the President and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

Responsibility for implementation of this policy is assigned to the Associate Vice President for Information Technology/CIO and the Vice President for Administration and Finance.

Section 5. Definitions

For purposes of this policy, the following definitions will be used:

  • “User:” A person who is the primary person to whom a piece of equipment has been assigned. That person is expected to be the primary user of that piece of equipment.
  • “Used computer or used workstation:” A computer that is still within the replacement cycle of three years, that has been returned to IT and, therefore, still has useful life and can be reissued.

Section 6. Policy

This Policy covers the provision and support of computer equipment to faculty, staff, and departments.

Section 7. Notification of Replacement Schedule

The CIO will annually notify faculty and staff of the replacement schedule for computer equipment.

Section 8. Categories of Workstations and Users

The IT department, in consultation with users, will maintain a categorization of users:

  • “Standard users,” who use workstations for e-mail and MS Office tasks and other applications such as graphics;
  • “Power users,” whose use of the workstation requires knowledge of the operating system and the hardware.

It is anticipated that the difference in workstations corresponding to the different user categories will only involve hardware.

The IT department will make available one “standard” computer configuration or one “power” computer configuration for assignment to each faculty or staff member, as endorsed by deans or vice presidents.

In accord with Board Procedure 1.B.0.1 and the University’s “Access for Individuals with Disabilities” policy, requests for additional computer hardware and software as accommodations for faculty or staff with disabilities will be based on appropriate prior documentation.

Section 9. Assignment of Used Workstations

Used computers can be deployed as public workstations and for student workers, at the discretion of IT.

Before a used computer is assigned to a faculty member, the faculty member and the faculty member’s department chair must agree to that person receiving a used computer.

Before a used computer is assigned to a staff person, the staff supervisor must agree that a used computer is satisfactory in that situation.

IT shall ensure secure removal of data before computers are recycled to other users.

Section 10. New faculty

New tenured or tenure-track resident faculty will be issued a new computer.

Section 11. Cleaning Hard Drive Before Re-Issue

“Wiping” of data from all computers recovered from assigned users will be performed by IT, regardless of recycling or reassignment. The department has the obligation to move all data that needs to be saved to a secure place, such as to a shared drive, prior to IT cleaning the hard drive.

When a new person occupies a position and the existing computer is to be used by the new incumbent, the same procedures for securing data and wiping the hard drive will be followed.

Section 12. Three-year Replacement Cycle

A three-year replacement cycle will be maintained, subject to budget availability.

Section 13. Choice of Laptop or Desktop

IFO and MSUAASF faculty and administrators in the “excluded manager” class will be given the choice of laptop or desktop when their computers are replaced.

All other staff will be given a desktop, unless a laptop is requested by the supervisor and approved by IT.

Section 14. Damage to Workstation

Replacement or repair due to deliberate damage to a University computer will be paid for by the employee. Accidental damage or loss will be covered by university insurance, or university self-insurance.

Section 15. Choice of Computer Manufacturer

Each time the contract for supplying workstations to the university expires, the IT Advisory Council will participate in vendor strategy sessions. The CIO shall chair those sessions. The IT department will continue to have final determination in vendor selection and making of a new contract.

Section 16. Support of Non-Windows Workstations

Metropolitan State University intends to become a multi-platform institution to the extent the operating budget can support the marginal costs of adding non-Windows hardware, software, networking, support, and training.

Non-Windows computer hardware and software will be purchased and supported for faculty, based on academic need. Academic need is determined by faculty, based on curricular design and learning outcomes, and is endorsed by the deans.

The IT department will provide support to non-Windows hardware and software.

Section 17. Inappropriate Use of State Equipment

The rules of what is appropriate use of State owned computer equipment are covered in the following:

MnSCU policy 5.22, MnSCU policy 5.22.1, and Minnesota Statute 43A.38.

These policies and statute apply to all workstations issued by the Metropolitan State University IT department.

Section 18. Review

This policy will be reviewed as needed by the University’s collective bargaining constituencies and the President’s Cabinet.

Section 19. Signatures

Issued on this 6th day of June, 2008.

William J. Lowe, Ph.D., Interim President