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IT Technology Specialist

  • Applications open
  • 1 vacancies
  • Work study only
  • Department
    Career Center
  • Job starts
  • Job ends
  • Work schedule
  • Pay Level C
    $14.50 starting wage

Major job duties

-General Office Duties: Greet visitors who come into office, handle Career Center email box, phone calls, scheduling
appointments in Handshake.
-Tier 1 level of technical support for Handshake, Zoom, Microsoft Office Products to
students, employers and peers.
-Use troubleshooting and technical skills to manage Handshake and leverage its potential.
-Compile data from multiple sources into data reports.
-Design and create support material for career related events through multiple media
platforms (video, email, documents).
-Provide technical support at special events.
-Provide administrative support to department professional staff.

Qualifications and experience

-Currently enrolled undergraduate student at Metro State.
-Experience with interacting with students, staff, and general public.
-Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
-Strong technical background.
-Willingness to learn and apply new skills.
-Ability to work productively in a team.

To apply

Send cover letter and resume via email to: