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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Community partnerships and outreach

Metro State University is committed by its mission to academic excellence and community partnerships through curriculum, teaching, scholarship, and services designed to support our urban mission.

Partnerships and outreach describe two different but related approaches to community engagement.

Partnership focuses on collaborative interactions between campus and community for the mutually beneficial exchange, exploration and application of knowledge, information and resources. Partnership examples include the St. Paul Public Library which operates its Dayton's Bluff Branch in a co-located university library and information center on the Saint Paul campus; or the GROW-IT Center, a community-university hub for knowledge exchange, research and teaching about food security and urban agriculture.

Outreach focuses on the application and provision of university resources for community use with benefits to both campus and community. For example, reduced rental rates for community and nonprofit use of campus facilities; or The Zone Homework Help Center, where university students tutor neighborhood youth to assist in mutually beneficial academic development.

We want to hear your ideas

If you have an idea for a community-university partnership or would like more information, please contact us by email at or call 651.793.1285.