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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.


1300 Harmon Place, Minneapolis

This is a street address, not mailing address. Looking for a mailing address?

What’s located here


The parking ramp at Minneapolis College, located on Hennepin Avenue at North Sixteenth Street, is the best place. The cost of parking on the ramp by METRO students is included in student fees. Use your Student ID card for access. For more detailed information, visit Minneapolis College's parking page (includes detailed parking map).


Minneapolis College campus is serviced by MetroTransit Route 4, Route 6, and Route 12.


Security escorts

Minneapolis Community and Technical College's Public Safety Department provides security escort services anywhere within a one-block radius of the MCTC main campus anytime the campus is open. To request a security escort, call or text 612-659-6910 (non-emergency) or 612-659-6900 (emergency) and an officer will meet you.

The Public Safety Department is located across the Hennepin Avenue skyway (parking ramp side) room R3100. Allow 5-10 minutes for the officer to respond to assist you. Delays may be longer depending on priority calls that are pending.