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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Saint Paul

What’s located here


Security escorts

When buildings are open, a uniformed safety officer escort is available to provide escorts to and from parking areas. To request a security escort, stop at the security officer station in the main lobby of Founders Hall or the library or call or text 651-775-0444 or Library 651-774-0715.

Code blue phones

Emergency code blue phones have one panic button that, when pressed, dials directly into the safety officer's cell phone. They are to be used for emergency calls only.

Emergency code blue phones are installed in the parking lots of the Saint Paul campus at:

  • Seventh Street parking lot north of St. John's Hall
  • Library's main east parking lot
  • Multiple locations in the parking ramp and the south parking lot of the ramp.

Good to know

Entrances for New Main, Founders Halls, Saint John’s Hall, the Student Center and the parking ramp are on Maria Avenue between East Seventh and East Sixth streets.

Entrances for the library, Institute for Community Engagement and Scholarship and Art Studio are on East Seventh Street.

Entrance for the Jason R. Carter Science Education is on East Sixth Street.