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Policy 2259: Attendance and Non-Attendance Reporting

Download Policy 2259: Attendance and Non-Attendance Reporting

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University Policy 2259

Section 1. Purpose

The purpose of the Attendance Verification and Non-Attendance Reporting Policy is to ensure Federal Title IV regulations are adhered to with respect to a student's enrollment level for the purpose of calculating and paying financial aid. Federal Title IV financial aid regulations require a procedure to establish that students have attended, at a minimum, one day of class for each course in which the student's enrollment status was used to determine eligibility for the Pell Grant Program. In addition, the University needs to determine a last date of attendance for those students who receive a failing grade to determine whether financial aid disbursed for the course must be recovered by the University.

Section 2. Policy

A. Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered beginning with and including the first class session. Students must be in "active attendance" to count as enrolled for financial aid eligibility purposes.

B. Students who have not actively attended by the end of the second week of classes during the regular semester, or by the end of the second class session for courses on a compressed schedule, will be administratively dropped from the course without financial penalty. Administratively dropped students who have been awarded financial aid for the course will not receive disbursement for those courses.

C. Faculty members are required to report non-attendance by the end of the second week of classes during each regular academic year term and by the end of the second class session for classes with a compressed class schedule, in accordance with the provisions of Procedure 259.

D. Faculty members are required to report a Last Date of Attendance (LDA) for those students who receive failing grades at the time of submission of final grades. The reported LDA will be used by the Financial Aid Office to determine if any portion of disbursed financial aid is subject to return.

Section 3: Definitions

A. Academically relevant assignment includes, but is not limited to, posting a message to the course discussion board, submitting a file to the course Dropbox or other shared drive, completing a short quiz, or sending the instructor a private email about the course.

B. Active attendance is defined as follows:

a. For classroom based. face-to-face courses: The student is present in the classroom.

b. Web-Enhanced (Reduced Seat Time Courses): the student is present in the classroom or submits at least one academically relevant assignment.

c. Online courses: The student submits at least one academically relevant assignment.

d. Independent Studies: The student contacts the instructor or submits at least one academically relevant assignment.

C. Last Date of Attendance, determined and reported by the instructor, is the last class meeting for which the student was present, the date of the last assignment submission or course activity in an online course site, or the last date of contact with the instructor during an independent study.

Section 3. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to the Minnesota State College and University System rules and regulations.

Section 4. Effective Date

This policy shall become effective upon signature by the President, and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 5. Responsibility

The Provost or his/her designee is responsible for implementation of this policy.

Section 6. Review

This policy shall be reviewed on a biennial basis or as needed.

Section 6. Approval

Issued on August 3, 2017.

President Virginia (Ginny) Arthur, JD


Posted 8-3-17