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Procedure 259: Attendance verification and Non-Attendance Reporting Procedure

Download Procedure 259: Attendance verification and Non-Attendance Reporting Procedure

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University Procedure #259

Section 1. Purpose

This procedure implements Policy 2259 in compliance with Federal Financial Aid regulations and as required by the accreditation standards of the Higher Learning Commission.

Section 2. Procedure

A. For reporting non-attendance:

a. Instructors are provided with a course roster of enrolled students on the first day of the semester or compressed schedule.

b. During the first two weeks of the semester or first two class meetings for courses on a compressed schedule:

i. Instructors of classroom based, face to face courses must verify and record each student's presence in, or absence from, the classroom;

ii. Instructors in Web-Enhanced (reduced seat time courses) must either:

  1. verify and record each student's presence in or absence from the classroom;
  2. or assign, collect and record receipt of at least one academically relevant assignment;

iii. Instructors in online courses must assign, collect and record receipt of at least one academically relevant assignment.

c. Within two business days of the end of the second week of class for semester courses or after the second class meeting for courses on a compressed schedule, the course instructor must submit an Attendance Verification Form for the course through the Portal, using instructions provided by the Registrar's office.

B. For reporting a Last Date of Attendance (LDA) the LDA is reported on the final grade roster for those students who receive a failing grade.

Section 3.Authority

This procedure is issued pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Minnesota State College and University System.

Section 4. Effective Date

This university procedure shall become effective upon signature by the president, and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 5. Responsibility

The Provost or his/her designee is responsible for implementation of this procedure.

Section 8. Review

This procedure shall be reviewed on a biennial basis or as needed.

Section 9. Signatures

Issued on August 3, 2017.

President Virginia (Ginny) Arthur, JD


Posted 8-3-17