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Policy 6000: Solicitation and Gift Acceptance

Download Policy 6000: Solicitation and Gift Acceptance

This PDF is the official text of this policy. If there are any incongruities between the text of the HTML version (rightbelow) and the text within the PDF file, the PDF will be considered accurate and overriding.

Section 1. Purpose

This policy is designed to provide guidance to the Metropolitan State University community, the general public, prospective donors, and their advisors on the solicitation and gift acceptance process.

The solicitation and acceptance of private gifts and grants is undertaken by the University Foundation and University leadership to enable the institution to fulfill its mission of teaching, scholarship and service. No employee may solicit or accept a gift in violation of Minnesota Statute 43A.38

This policy does not cover federal and state grants.

Section 2. Definitions

  1. Gift Acceptance Process: The act of evaluating a prospective gift of cash or property for alignment with the goals, values, management and capabilities of the Metropolitan State University Foundation, taking ownership for the benefit of the University, acknowledgement of the value of the gift and. issuance of a receipt that documents the value for tax purposes.
  2. University Advancement: The division of the university responsible for raising and managing private gift funds for the Metropolitan State University Foundation. UA provides specialized fund-raising support services including comprehensive campaigns, annual giving programs, major gift planning, donor relations, special events, planned giving, prospect research and managing donor and alumni information systems.

Section 3. Policy

The University Foundation is the official representative of the University for gift acceptance and recognition and evaluation of gifts before acceptance.

Initiatives to raise funds from private sources must be undertaken in conjunction with and with the full knowledge of the Vice President for University Advancement/Executive Director of the Foundation or designee.

Gifts may be sought from individuals, corporations, foundations and other organizations.

However, they may be sought only for purposes, positions, and programs that have appropriate academic or administrative approval.

The Metropolitan State University Foundation is the only source for official acceptance and acknowledgement of gifts to the University.

UA ensures that all gifts and earnings are used according to donor guidelines, and manages donor stewardship programs.

Gifts that may expose Metropolitan State University to adverse publicity, violate any applicable law or regulation, require expenditures beyond University resources, or involve the University in unexpected responsibilities because of their source, condition, or purposes or are not consistent with the mission of Metropolitan State University will not be accepted by the Foundation.

Section 4. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to the operating authority granted to the University’s President by the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State system (Proc. 1A.2.2, “Delegation of Authority”).

Section 5. Effective Date

This policy shall become effective upon signature by the President, and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 6. Responsibility

The implementation of this Policy is the responsibility of the Vice President for University Advancement/Foundation Executive Director

Section 7. Review

This policy shall be reviewed every three years, and amended as needed

Section 8. Signature

Issued on this date: February 12, 2021

Virginia “Ginny” Arthur, JD

Date of Implementation: 02/12/2021
Date of Last Review: 02/12/2021
Date and Subject of Amendments:
Additional History and/or Revision Dates: