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Policy 2300: Graduate Programs

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University Policy 2300

Section 1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to ensure high-quality, consistent, and supportive graduate study experiences for students who pursue post-baccalaureate study, graduate certificate, and graduate degrees.

Section 2. Definitions

  • Graduate Program: a course of study whose completion results in the award of a graduate certificate, or graduate degree (Master’s or Doctoral degrees) as defined by Minnesota State Board Policy and System Procedures
  • Graduate Director or Coordinator: a faculty member who oversees and acts on behalf of a graduate program
  • Dissertation: a major piece of original research completed in partial satisfaction of the requirements for a doctoral degree
  • Thesis: a significant piece of written work completed in partial satisfaction of the requirements for a master’s degree
  • HLC: Higher Learning Commission, the university’s accreditor

Section 3. Policy

The following policy establishes a set of common rules or standards for all graduate programs and sets the parameters for graduate program-specific requirements, processes, and/or practices. Extant university policies apply to graduate programs except as described in this policy. Where another university policy and this policy are in contradiction, the graduate programs policy applies to the graduate program. When such contradictions are not easily resolved, the provost/designee determines a resolution.

A. Directorships

A director shall be responsible for at least one graduate program. A director may be responsible for multiple programs. Graduate program directorships are governed by the terms of the IFO Master Bargaining Agreement, in particular Article 20, Section I or its successors.

B. Handbooks

Each graduate program shall maintain a program handbook to guide faculty, advisors, and students. Such handbooks shall explain all program requirements, including prerequisites, as well as any approved applications, variations or exceptions to this policy and its related procedure. Program credit requirements will be consistent with “Minnesota State System Procedure 3.36.1 Academic

Programs,” or its successors. Requirements for completion of graduate degrees and procedures for determining when students have met those requirements consistent with “Minnesota State Policy 3.36 and Procedure 3.36.1,” or its successors. Handbooks shall be reviewed and approved annually by August 1 for each academic year by the provost/designee prior to their implementation.

C. Admissions

Program-specific admissions processes pre-requisites, and requirements shall be documented in program handbooks. Students must have earned a baccalaureate or equivalent degree before beginning a graduate program, unless they are enrolled in a 4+1 or similar program. Graduate programs may require specific undergraduate degrees. Consistent with university policy 2130, graduate programs may establish program prerequisites that students are required to complete before starting their course of study with the program. Each program shall determine criteria by which international students can demonstrate English language proficiency necessary for success in that program.

D. Graduate Curriculum

Graduate program curriculum creation and changes follow the usual university policy and procedure for undergraduate programs, with the exception a separate graduate programs committee may serve in place of the college/school curriculum committee that approves undergraduate courses and programs.

E. Program Credits

In keeping with HLC assumed practices (HLC Criterion 3.1.1 and 2), at least 50% of courses applied to a graduate program are courses designed for graduate work, rather than undergraduate courses credited toward a graduate degree. Students may substitute graduate courses for required or elective courses in an undergraduate degree program and then subsequently count those same courses as fulfilling graduate requirements in a related graduate program. In “4+1” or “2+3” programs, at least 50% of the credits allocated for the master’s degree shall be for courses designed for graduate work.

Credits that were included as part of an awarded graduate degree at another institution, shall not be counted in transfer towards a new degree at the same degree level (i.e. earned credits in a completed Master’s program cannot be applied towards another Master’s degree program). Subject to the approval of the program directors, students in multiple master's programs or graduate certificate programs may graduate or complete one program while continuing to make progress in the other programs or certificates. A maximum of 16 credits may overlap across degrees, although programs may be more restrictive.

F. Transfer Credits

A master’s degree program may allow a student to transfer in a maximum of 16 graduate credits from an accredited institution. A doctoral degree program may allow a student to transfer in a maximum of 24 graduate credits from an accredited institution. Allowable transfer of credits for graduate programs shall be governed by the relevant Minnesota State Procedure 3.36.1. The Graduate Director or Coordinator shall determine what credits to accept in transfer, equivalences (if any), and application to program requirements. Students shall be able to appeal transfer decisions.

G. Advisors

Graduate program handbook shall include a method of connecting students with a primary faculty advisor for their dissertation, thesis, project or equivalent summative experience. Every graduate student will have an assigned advisor. Programs shall have a process for students to request a change in their advisor.

H. Graduate Grades and Grade Points

The following grades and grade points apply to graduate programs.


Grade Points

A | 4.0

A- | 3.67

B+ | 3.33

B | 3.0

B- | 2.67

C+ | 2.33

C | 2.0

C- | 1.67

D | 1.0

F | 0.0

Note: Individual graduate programs may designate minimum grades for any and all courses. The minimum grade expectations will be clearly stated in the program handbook. All graduate students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher to be eligible for continuation in their program and graduation.

I. Satisfactory Academic Standing

In graduate programs, to remain in good standing and qualify for graduation, students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 and complete 67% of graduate credits attempted at Metro State University. Grades below C do not earn credit nor apply to program requirements but are calculated in the cumulative grade point average. If compelled by accreditation or other factors, programs may require higher course grades, semester GPA, and program GPA. Such variations; such requirements shall be documented in their program handbook. Students shall have a right to appeal academic suspensions and petition for reinstatement or readmission after suspension.

J. Time Limit for Earning a Graduate Degree or Certificate

Starting with the semester for which they are admitted, students shall have up to five (5) years from the first date of enrollment to complete graduate certificates and master’s and DNP degrees. DBA students have up to seven (7) years from the first day of enrollment to complete their degree.

Normally, graduate students who have completed their course work and are working toward the completion of their degree will register each semester.

Students shall have the right to request a leave of absence and/or extensions of these time limits, including the right to appeal a negative decision.

K. Dismissal of Graduate Student Status

Students who do not meet academic requirements, have been found in violation of the academic integrity policy or do not meet professional standards, dispositions or competencies required for a student earning a graduate degree may be dismissed from a graduate program and from the university.

Graduate programs may establish grounds and due process practices regarding dismissal of graduate students from their programs for causes other than academic standing.

L. Exceptions to Program and Graduation Requirements

Consistent with university policies 2010 and 2020, academic department chairs/curriculum coordinators or academic deans/executive directors may make exceptions to major, minor and program requirements and academic deans/executive directors may make exceptions to any other parts of this policy. Graduate Directors and Graduate Coordinators may recommend exceptions for approval.

Section 4. Authority

This university policy is established in accordance with Minnesota State Board policies and System Procedures.

Section 5. Effective Date

This university policy shall become effective upon signature by the president, and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 6. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementation and revision of this university policy is assigned to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Section 7. Review

This policy shall be reviewed on a biennial basis or as needed.

Section 8. Signature

Issued on this date: March 1, 2024

President Virginia (Ginny) Arthur, JD


Posted: 4-16-24