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Policy 2600: Academic Forgiveness

Section 1. Purpose

Academic forgiveness promotes a learning environment in which students who improve their academic performance can renew their commitment to academic success and earn their degree. This policy exists so that students who are ready to succeed are not prevented from success due to a past period of poor academic performance. The university supports academic renewal through academic forgiveness.

Section 2. Definitions

  • Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA): the average of all grades earned at Metro State and is calculated as described in University Policy 2080 and by the Registrar’s Office.
  • Financial Aid Eligibility: a student’s eligibility for federal financial aid as well as additional forms of financial aid. According to federal regulations, credits and grades for which students have been granted academic forgiveness must continue to be included when determining the cumulative GPA, percentage of credits completed, and the maximum time frame calculations.
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP): Defined in University Policy 2060, the terms by which students are placed on or removed from academic warning or suspension. SAP minimum completion rates and grade point averages are also applied to determine financial aid eligibility.

Section 3. Policy

  1. Eligibility.
    Students may seek academic forgiveness as a means to restarting their academic career in order to graduate from Metro State University if they meet the following eligibility requirements:
    1. Have been separated from Metro State University for at least six (6) consecutive semesters, including summer terms
    2. Had experienced academic challenges affecting their grade point average prior to separation
    3. Have been readmitted through the regular readmission process
    4. Have consulted with their academic advisor
    5. Have demonstrated academic success after readmission by successfully completing at least six (6) undergraduate credits within two semesters after readmission and earning a minimum average GPA of 2.75 for those 6 credits.
  2. One-time opportunity upon readmission.
    Students are allowed a one-time opportunity to establish a new undergraduate cumulative grade point average (GPA) after they are readmitted to the university according to University Policy 2000 and University Procedure 200.
  3. Student responsibilities.
    Students seeking academic forgiveness are responsible for ensuring their eligibility, as described in this policy, and applying for academic forgiveness as described in University Procedure 260.
  4. Educational records and requirements.
    In compliance with Minnstate System Procedure 209.1, Subpart B., Academic Amnesty, Metro State course grades earned prior to academic forgiveness will remain visible on the student’s transcript but will not be included in the calculation of the student’s cumulative GPA for the purposes of SAP and minimum graduation requirements found in University Policy 2020.
    1. Academic forgiveness has the possibility of improving a student’s grade point average and course completion rate used to determine Academic Standing (see University Policy 2050: Undergraduate Academic Standing) and their achievement of the minimum grade point average required for graduation.
    2. Due to federal financial aid regulations, academic forgiveness cannot impact financial aid eligibility
    3. Academic forgiveness does not in itself relieve minimum grade requirements of specific academic programs, such as majors.

Section 4. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to the Board Policies and System Procedures of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system and the policies and procedures of Metro State University.

Section 5. Effective Date

This university policy shall become effective upon signature by the president, and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 6. Responsibility

The Provost or their designee is responsible for implementation of this policy.

Section 7. Review

Sample language - This policy shall be reviewed on a biennial basis or as needed.

Section 8. Signature

Issued on this date: July 1, 2024

Virginia “Ginny” Arthur, JD


Date of Implementation: 07/01/2024

Date of Last Review: n/a

Date and Subject of Amendments: n/a

Additional History and/or Revision Dates: n/a