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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Policy 2090: Academic Appeals

Academic Affairs Policy #2090

Section 1. Purpose

This policy ensures student rights in seeking waivers, exceptions, or other remedies for issues that affect a student’s academic success. The guarantee and exercise of such rights contributes to the teaching and learning mission of the university, in which students are encouraged to advocate for themselves and their communities.

This policy governs appeals related to a student’s academic requirements and grades, including appeals of academic integrity findings or sanctions. This policy does not govern appeals related to satisfactory academic progress, which are governed by University Policy 2050: Undergraduate Academic Standing.

This policy and its related procedure do not govern transfer appeals nor registration appeals. Information about transfer and registration appeals can be found on the university’s website or by contacting Gateway Student Services.

This policy and its related procedure do not govern appeals in matters related to University Policy 1020: Student Code of Conduct.

Section 2. Definitions

  • Academic Integrity: The expectation for academic honesty, detailed in University Policy 2190, along with the consequences for violating those expectations, detailed in University Procedure 219.
  • Catalog: An annually updated comprehensive description academic programs that includes program requirements for each award program at the university. Catalog information is available to students on the university website.
  • Grades: Evaluative outcome of a student’s completion of a registered course or non-classroom-based learning opportunity for academic credit, detailed under University Policy 2080.
  • Graduation Requirements: Requirements outlined under University Policy 2020.
  • Program Requirements: Requirements outlined under University Policy 2010, the academic program catalog, and program handbooks.

Section 3. Policy

Students shall have the right to appeal program requirements, graduation requirements, academic integrity findings, academic integrity sanctions, and final course grades. Students are normally required to meet program and graduation requirements based on the academic catalog at the time of they were admitted to the university. Appeals may result in waivers, exceptions, substitutions, or substantiations of requirements, findings, or sanctions. The university shall maintain due processes for such appeals and may establish separate processes for different types of appeals. For example, program requirement appeals may be processed differently than academic integrity appeals. Such processes shall designate an initial decision maker and at least one level of further appeal. Processes shall include investigatory requirements to hear both sides of the matter under appeal. Retaliation is prohibited against any faculty, student or third party who participates in the appeals process. Retaliatory appeals are prohibited. Information about student rights to appeal, appeal processes, and how to support students in exercising their rights shall be provided regularly to students, staff, and faculty.

Section 4. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to the authority granted under Minnesota State Board of Trustees Policy 3.8, System Procedure 3.8.1, Student Complaints and Grievances.

Section 5. Effective Date

This university policy shall become effective upon signature by the president, and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 6. Responsibility

The provost or their designee is responsible for implementation of this policy.

Section 7. Review

This policy shall be reviewed every 5 years or as needed.

Section 8. Signature

Issued on: 08/15/2024

Virginia “Ginny” Arthur, JD


Revised: n/a