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Policy 7010: Computer Assignment and Replacement

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Information Technology Policy #7090

Section 1. Purpose

This policy is established to define how computers are assigned to faculty and staff, and to clarify the appropriate assignment of used computers.

Section 2. Definitions

  1. IET: Institutional Effectiveness and Technology division of Metropolitan State University.
  2. Standard employee: Includes resident faculty, administrators, and staff, but does not include community faculty, contractors, or short-term MSUAASF employees.
  3. Used computer: A computer that is still within the replacement cycle of three years, that has been returned to IET and, therefore, still has useful life and can be reissued.
  4. User: A person who is the primary person to whom a piece of equipment has been assigned. That person is expected to be the primary user of that piece of equipment.

Section 3. Policy

It is the policy of the university to provision new or replacement computer equipment to resident faculty, standard staff, and departments to support the work of the university in an efficient and effective manner.


Newly issued computers include robust specifications that meet the vast majority of campus use cases. Each standard employee will receive a bundle of equipment described with more detail in Procedure 701, that will feature equitable functionality regardless of the platform.

Requests for custom specifications must be evaluated for need and budget availability by a designee of the Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Technology and are covered in more detail in Procedure 701.

In accordance with Policy 5200: Reasonable Accommodations in Employment and Minnesota State Board Procedure 1.B.0.1, requests for additional computer hardware and software as accommodations for faculty or staff with disabilities will be based on documentation provided and agreed upon as part of the interactive accommodations process.

Three-year Replacement Cycle

A three-year replacement cycle for computers will be maintained, unless a change in the replacement cycle is identified during the budget development process for the upcoming year that necessitates lengthening the replacement cycle. Accessory equipment (i.e., monitor, docking station, etc.) may not be replaced on this cycle if it is still in working condition, at the discretion of IET.

Specialized equipment fully funded by grant(s) or departmental funds are not considered to be a user’s primary computer and are not included in the replacement cycle.

IET shall annually notify faculty and staff of the replacement schedule for computer equipment or make this data available directly to individuals.

Assignment of Used Computers

Used computers may be deployed at the discretion of IET in the following scenarios:

  1. As public workstations and for student workers
  2. For repairs and replacements
  3. As loaners
  4. For non-standard employees
  5. When budget availability does not meet the demand for new equipment

Repairs and Replacement

Replacement or repair due to negligence, compromised computer security remediation, or damage to a university computer or related equipment shall be covered by the University and reported to the user’s supervisor and Human Resources for tracking and potential corrective action for repeated incidents at the discretion of the supervisor.

Best efforts must be made to issue same or similar model replacements when items go out for repair or need to be replaced. These used computers shall be the user’s primary device in order to save the time and resources of migrating to another if, or when, the original is returned. When a user’s computer has been replaced, the lifecycle replacement schedule may change depending on when the replacement was purchased to stay within the three-year replacement cycle. Unless there is no inventory of same or like model computers, and the computer is not already due for lifecycle replacement, new computers are not issued for repairs or replacements. In the event there is no inventory of used computers, nor available budget for a new computer, a used computer past the three-year replacement cycle may be used as a last resort loaner device until one can be obtained.

Inappropriate Use of State Equipment

The rules of what is appropriate use of State-owned computer equipment are covered in Minnesota State policy 5.22, Minnesota State policy 5.22.1, Minnesota Management and Budget HR/LR Policy #1423, and Minnesota Statute 43A.38.

These policies and statute apply to all computer equipment issued by the Metropolitan State University Division of IET.

Return of Equipment

All equipment deployed by the University is State of Minnesota property and must be returned by an employee to their supervisor before the end of their last day with the University.

Section 4. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to authority granted to the President by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System Board of Trustees.

Section 5. Effective Date

This policy shall become effective upon signature by the President and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 6. Responsibility

Responsibility for implementation of this policy is assigned to the Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Technology or designee.

Section 7. Review

This policy will be reviewed as needed, or at a minimum, every three years.

Section 8. Signature

Issued on this date: 09/20/2024

Virginia “Ginny” Arthur, JD President

Date of Implementation: 09/20/2024

Date of Last Review: 09/20/2024

Date and Subject of Amendments:

Additional History and/or Revision Dates: