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Policy 1080: Possession or Carry of Firearms

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University Policy #1080

Section 1. Policy

Subpart A.

Purpose. The purpose of this policy is to establish restrictions on possession or carry of firearms applicable to Metropolitan State University, in accordance with the Minnesota Citizens' Personal Protection Act of 2003, Minnesota Statutes section 624.714, and other applicable law.

Subpart B.

Authority. This policy is issued pursuant to the operating authority granted to the President by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System Board of Trustees.

Subpart C.

Responsibility. The responsibility for implementation of this policy is assigned to the Director of Safety and Security.

Section 2. Definitions.

Subpart A. Employee.

"Employee" means any individual employed by Metropolitan State University, including student employees.

Subpart B. Firearm.

"Firearm" means a gun, whether loaded or unloaded, that discharges shot or a projectile by means of an explosive, a gas or compressed air.

Subpart C. Pistol.

"Pistol" means a weapon as defined in Minnesota Statutes section 624.712, subd. 2.

Subpart D. Student.

Student" means an individual who is:

1. registered to take or is taking one or more courses, classes, or seminars, credit or noncredit, at Metropolitan State University; or

  1. between terms of a continuing course of study at the university, such as summer break between spring and fall academic terms; or
  2. expelled or suspended from enrollment as a student at the university, during the pendency of any adjudication of the student disciplinary action.

Subpart E. University Property.

"University property" means the facilities and land owned, leased, or under the primary control of Metropolitan State University.

Subpart F. Visitor.

"Visitor" means any person who is on university property, but does not include (1) an employee of the Metropolitan State University acting in the course and scope of their employment; or (2) a student, when that student is on university property.

Section 3. Restrictions.

No person is permitted to carry or possess a firearm on Metropolitan State University property except as provided in this policy.

Subpart A. Employees.

  1. Prohibition. Employees are prohibited from possessing or carrying a firearm while acting in the course and scope of their employment, either on or off university property, regardless of whether the employee has a permit to carry a firearm, except as otherwise provided in this policy.
  2. Licensed peace officers. Subpart 3.A.1. does not apply to employees who are licensed peace officers under Minnesota Statutes section 626.84, subd.1(c), when assigned by the college or university to public safety duties.
  3. Employee reporting responsibility. An employee with a reasonable basis for believing an individual is in possession of or carrying a firearm in violation of this policy has a responsibility to report the suspected act in a timely manner, unless doing so would subject the employee or others to physical harm. Reports should be made to the Director of Safety (651-793-1725). This policy shall not prohibit prompt notification to appropriate law enforcement authorities when an immediate threat to personal safety exists. Employees shall not make reports of a suspected violation knowing they are false or in reckless disregard of the truth.

Subpart B. Students.

  1. Prohibition. Students are prohibited from possessing or carrying a firearm while on university property, regardless of whether the student has a permit to carry a firearm, except as otherwise provided in this policy.
  2. Licensed peace officers. This policy does not apply to students who are licensed peace officers under Minnesota Statutes section 626.84, subd.1(c).

Subpart C. Visitors.

  1. Prohibition. Visitors are prohibited from possessing or carrying a firearm while on university property, except as otherwise provided in this policy.
  2. Licensed peace officers. This policy does not apply to visitors who are licensed peace officers under Minnesota Statutes section 626.84, subd.1(c).

Section 4. Exceptions.

Subpart A. Parking areas. This policy does not prohibit the lawful possession or carry of firearms in a parking area or parking facility.

Subpart B. Authorized Uses. This policy does not prohibit:

  1. Lawful possession or carry related to an academic use or use at a campus shooting range, such as law enforcement programs, approved in writing by the university president.
  2. Transport of an unloaded firearm directly between a parking area or parking facility and the location authorized for its use, or transport of an unloaded firearm directly between a parking area or parking facility and a storage facility provided by the university.
  3. Possession or carry of a pistol by a visitor who has a lawful permit to carry a pistol pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 624.714, subd. 1a.

Nothing in this policy requires Metropolitan State University to provide storage facilities for employees' or students' weapons.

Section 5. Storage in State Vehicles Prohibited.

No vehicle owned, leased, or otherwise under the control of Metropolitan State University shall be used to store or carry a firearm, except as authorized for purposes under part 4.B.1.

Section 6. Violations.

Violations of this policy by students or employees are misconduct subject to discipline, up to and including expulsion or termination.

Section 7. Referral to Law Enforcement.

Metropolitan State University may refer suspected violations of law to appropriate law enforcement authorities, and provide access to investigative or other data as permitted by law.

Section 8. Effective Date.

This policy is effective when signed, and remains in effect until modified or revoked. In the event any Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System policy or procedure is found to be in conflict with this policy, the terms of the MnSCU policy shall govern.

Section 9. Review. T

his policy will be reviewed as needed.

Section 10. Approval.

Issued on this 22nd day of August, 2003.

Wilson G. Bradshaw, Ph.D.
