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Policy 1150: Pets on Campus for General Public/Students

Download Policy 1150: Pets on Campus for General Public/Students

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University Policy #1150

Section 1. Purpose

It is acknowledged that the campus, in great part, is made up of public spaces. For this reason it is often difficult to differentiate between the truly public areas and those spaces which are work spaces. Nevertheless the university is intended to be devoted to the efficient and effective delivery of education and related services to students, parents and members of the community.

Section 2. Authority

This policy is pursuant to the operating authority granted to the President by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System Board of Trustees.

Section 3. Effective Date

This procedure is effective fall semester 2003, and remains in effect until modified or revoked.

Section 4.

The responsibility for implementation of this policy is assigned to the supervisors.

Section 5. Policy

University policy prohibits the bringing of pets into university buildings; those on university grounds must be under the owner’s supervision and control. If university personnel discover a pet not under control, they will attempt to locate the owner before calling the city police. Service dogs are not classified as pets.

Section 6. Review

This policy will be reviewed every three years or as needed.

Section 7. Approval

Issued on this 26th day of June, 2003.

Wilson G. Bradshaw, President