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Procedure 102: Preferred Name Procedure

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University Procedure #102

(suggested as MnSCU has made this part of 1B.1)

Section 1. Purpose

Metropolitan State University recognizes and supports the members of its community who wish to use preferred names where legally permissible. This procedure outlines the process by which employees and students may designate a preferred name to be used in the course of university business and education.

Section 2. Scope

This procedure shall not supersede other federal and state laws, rules and regulations, other university policies and procedures, or bargaining unit agreements and plans.

Section 3. Authority

This procedure is based on provisions of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) procedure 1B.1.2 – Preferred Name Procedure, and is subject to change in accordance with the MnSCU procedure.

Section 4. Effective Date

This procedure shall become effective upon signature of the President and remains in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 5. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementation of this procedure is assigned to the Chief Human Resources Officer and the Registrar.

Section 6. Definitions

Preferred Name: A preferred name is a name that a person has chosen to identify him or herself within the University/MnSCU system that is different, in whole or part, than his or her legal name.

Section 7. Designating a Preferred Name

An individual shall generally be permitted to designate any preferred name, including first, middle and/or last name. The University reserve the right to deny an inappropriate preferred name including, but not limited to those that: avoid legal obligations, misrepresent, or violate other University, MnSCU, or State of Minnesota policies.

Preferred names may not be used for commercial or promotional purposes and thus may not be a company name, group name or message.

Section 8. Use of Preferred Name

The University shall use preferred names for the following and for other functions where technically and legally possible:

  • Class rosters, advisee lists, grade and attendance entry, wait list report and grade change request
  • Diploma
  • Honors program lists
  • Timesheets
  • Students/employees homepage on D2L and e-services homepage
  • Athletic team lists
  • On-line directory
  • Commencement programs
  • Alumni Office records
  • Student ID card
  • Library records
  • Student invoice/billings

Legal names will be used by default in all cases except where specifically identified in the preferred name list. Legal names will always appear in the following:

  • Official and unofficial transcripts
  • Paychecks and paystubs
  • Financial Aid records
  • Tax Forms
  • Official Correspondence from the University
  • Federal immigration documents, including I-9’s
  • SEVIS records
  • International student documentation

The above lists will periodically be reviewed and updated as necessary by the MnSCU System Office as necessary to achieve the overall goal of providing for the use of preferred names where legally permissible.

Section 9. Process for Requesting the Designation of a Preferred Name

Employees and Students must submit a written request for the use of a preferred name using the attached form [download the Preferred Name Request Form (PDF)]; identification may be requested for security purposes.

Employees are to submit their written request to the Human Resources Assistant Director in charge of Transactions.

Students are to submit their written request to the University Registrar.

Those who are both employees and students, must submit their request to the Human Resources Assistant Director in charge of Transactions.

Employees and students will only be notified if their request has been denied. Appeals of the denial of a preferred name change may be made in writing to the Director of Affirmative Action/Chief Diversity Officer within ten (10) business days of receipt of notification of denial. A response to the appeal will be provided in writing by the Director of Affirmative Action within ten (10) business days of the receipt of the written appeal.

A Preferred Name will remain in effect until the requestor asks that it be changed.

Employees and students who request a Preferred Name and are associated with more than one MnSCU Institution should be aware that the timing of the appearance of their Preferred Name may vary at each institution based on each institution’s available technical resources.

Section 10. Records Retention

Preferred Name Documents received as part of this procedure will be retained in the employee’s official personnel file or official student file, and will be retained as per the records retention guidelines of the University.

Section 11. Review

This procedure is subject to review on an annual basis, or as needed.

Section 12. Signature

Issued on this date:

Devinder Malhotra, Interim President