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Procedure 107: Tobacco-Free University

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University Procedure #107

Section 1. Purpose

Implementation of the policy provides and maintains a healthy and safe university for our students, faculty and staff. This policy prohibits the use of any smoking and tobacco related products while on Metropolitan State University campus property and requires compliance with the policies in place at any of our leased facilities. “Tobacco Use” includes use of lighted and electronic cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or any other lighted smoking materials, chew and snuff. This definition does not include smoking cessation products.

Exceptions will be made in accordance with the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, MS 144.4167, which allows tobacco use in traditional Native American ceremonies, scientific studies and theatrical productions. Arrangements for such exceptions must be in well ventilated areas, conform to local fire code requirements and have advance approval of no less than five business days from Building Services.

Section 2. Authority

This policy is established in accordance with the Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act, Minnesota Statutes144.411 to144.417.

Section 3. Effective Date

This procedure shall become effective May 1, 2014 and remain in effect until revised or expressly revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

The administrative responsibility for maintaining this procedure is assigned to the associate vice president of facilities management.

Section 5. Implementation

Metropolitan State University is committed to creating a clean, safe, and healthy living, learning, and working environment, for all students and employees of the University.

  1. Cessation Programs and Services

To ease with the transition to a tobacco-free campus, the University will work through the “Life Matters” Employee Assistance Program and the American Cancer Society utilizing their resources to provide students and employees with support to comply with Policy #1070.

  1. Enforcement
  1. All university students, faculty, staff, contractors, vendors and visitors are responsible for complying with the Tobacco free campus policy. Violations of this policy will be handled like other work rule or policy violations and subject to discipline.
  2. Enforcement of this policy will depend upon the cooperation of all faculty, staff, and students not only to comply with this policy, but also to encourage others to comply with the policy, in order to promote a clean, safe, and healthy environment in which to work, study, and live. In the case of a violation, the person will be informed of the University Tobacco Free Campus Policy. Should that person continue to violate the policy, the aggrieved party should contact the appropriate office: for University employees, the person's immediate supervisor; for students, the Judicial Office of Student Affairs; and, if in doubt, contact a campus safety officer.

Section 6. Review

This procedure shall be reviewed at least every three years.

Section 7. Signature

Issued on the 21st day of November, 2013

Sue K. Hammersmith, Ph.D., President,