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Policy 2000: Undergraduate Admissions Standards

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University Policy #2000

Section 1. Purpose

This policy is established to govern and define the policies under which undergraduate applicants apply and are reviewed for admission to Metropolitan State University.

Section 2. Definitions

  1. Academic Core: A secondary school curriculum sufficiently rigorous to prepare a student for college
  2. Certificate Seeking Students – Applicants for admission who are seeking a certificate.
  3. Common Market Passport—Allows student who is already admitted at one institution to take courses at another without going through the admissions process. All seven of the Minnesota State universities participate.
  4. Consortium agreement—A process where a student can add credits from another institution (host school) to the credits of enrollment at their home school.
  5. Degree Seeking Admitted Student: A New First Year, Transfer, International or Second Bachelor’s Degree student who is granted admission to the University under this policy for the purpose of obtaining a baccalaureate degree.
  6. International Students – Applicants for admission as degree-seeking students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S., engaging in a full-time/part-time academic study in accredited educational institutions. Individuals with visas including F, J, H, L, M, TN, who are studying in the U.S. are considered international students.
  7. Matriculated Student – A student who is admitted to the university as a degree-seeking student, registers for at least one course and remains registered through the tenth day of the semester.
  8. New First Year Student – An applicant who has attempted fewer than 16 semester or 24 quarter credits of normally transferrable post-secondary course work. This definition is for the purpose of admission processing and evaluation.
  9. PSEO Students – Applicants who are current high school juniors or seniors who are approved for the State of Minnesota postsecondary enrollment option (PSEO) at their current high school.
  10. Transfer Student - An applicant who has attempted 16 semester or 24 quarter credits or more of normally transferrable post-secondary course work. This definition is for the purpose of admission processing and evaluation.
  11. Second Bachelor’s Degree Students – Applicants for admission as degree-seeking students who hold baccalaureate degrees from institutions of higher education.
  12. Visiting Students – Applicants who are seeking to enroll in undergraduate courses without being admitted to the university and hold at minimum a high school diploma or GED.

Section 3. Policy

Students shall be considered for admission to the University upon submission of a complete application. A complete application shall consist of:

  1. Complete an accurate Metropolitan State University application for admission.
    1. Degree-seeking students must complete the Minnesota State system application.
    2. Visiting students can complete the Minnesota State system application or the Metropolitan State University visiting student application. Degree-seeking applicants that have been denied admission are not eligible to apply as a visiting student.
  2. Official academic transcripts:
    1. New First Year Student (0-16 semester credits attempted): An official high school transcript showing the date of graduation or official GED with date of completion and all regionally accredited post-secondary transcript(s) even if no credit or clock hours were earned and official transcripts for all completed post-secondary credits, such as military, CLEP, College in the Schools (concurrent enrollment), and Advanced Placement.
    2. Transfer Student (more than 16 semester credits attempted): Official transcripts for all regionally accredited post-secondary institutions at which the student previously enrolled (even if no credit or clock hours were earned), and official transcripts for all post-secondary credits; such as military, CLEP, and advanced placement. Any credits earned from post-secondary institutions outside the US, must be documented by an official transcript and a course by course credential evaluation from a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) member organization.
    3. Second Bachelor’s Degree Student:
      1. If the student graduated from a Minnesota State University: Official transcripts for all regionally accredited post-secondary institutions at which the student previously enrolled (even if no credits were earned). Any credits earned from post-secondary institutions outside the US, must be documented by an official transcript and a course-by-course evaluation from a NACES member organization.
      2. If the student graduated from Non-Minnesota State institution: Official transcripts for all regionally accredited post-secondary institutions at which the student previously enrolled (even if no credits were earned) and official transcripts for all post-secondary credits, such as military, CLEP, College in the Schools (concurrent enrollment) and advanced placement. Any credits earned from post-secondary institutions outside the US, must be documented by an official transcript and a course-by-course credential evaluation from a NACES member organization.
    4. Visiting students are not required to submit any official transcripts, unless required by a partnership agreement.
    5. In the event a prospective student is unable to retrieve an official transcript, they must utilize the transcript waiver process. This enables students to move through the admissions process without the official documents.

Offer of Admission to the University

Metropolitan State University shall admit students with completed application files who are able to benefit from the educational offerings of the institution. Admission to the University does not guarantee admission to any specific majors, programs or courses. Applicants seeking admission to competitive programs must adhere to the admission requirements of the Colleges.

Students must be admitted to Metropolitan State University in order to enroll in courses.

  1. New first year students. To be considered for admission to the university as a new first year student, students shall have completed the academic core or courses which provide mastery of equivalent competencies in grades 9-12 as defined by Minnesota State Board Policy. Applicants that have a GED score of 165 or higher, graduated in the top half of their high school class or have a high school grade point average of 3.0 or higher will be admitted. Metropolitan State University does not require an ACT or SAT for admission. If a student does not meet these admissions criteria, they can complete the first-year student admissions success planning process as outlined in the admissions procedure 200.
  2. Transfer students. To be considered for admission as a transfer student, applicant must have completed 16 or more college level credits, must have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better, and must have a level of academic achievement that is at least equal to the standard required for good academic standing at the transfer institution(s). If a student falls below this admission criteria, they can complete the transfer student admissions recommendation process. as outlined in the admissions procedures 200.

Denial of Admission

The University reserves the right to deny admission to any applicant. Reasons for denial of admission include, but are not limited to:

  1. Failing to meet the admission criteria.
  2. Academic suspension or dismissal from a previous post-secondary institution. Applicants under academic suspension from another institution may not be considered for admission for at least one full year since the suspension was imposed. The academic success planning process in conjunction with an interview with admissions leadership may be utilized in cases of exceptions.
  3. Disciplinary suspensions or dismissals from a previous post-secondary institution. Any application for admission may not be considered for at least one full year since the suspension or expulsion was imposed. The academic success planning process in conjunction with admissions leadership may be utilized in cases of exceptions.
  4. Conduct that violates the Student Code of Conduct (University Policy #1020) any time prior to the final evaluation of the admission application. Denial under this subsection D shall be consistent with the standards for disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct policy.
  5. Falsification or omission of relevant information on the application for admission, or submission of fraudulent or altered academic credentials.

Cancellation of Admission to the University

An application will be canceled if any of the following occur:

  1. Post-admission evidence of deliberate omission or falsification of information relevant to the application for admission;
  2. Academic dismissal from another institution;
  3. Dismissal for disciplinary reasons from another institution including Metropolitan State University.

End Dating of Student Records

The office of admissions is responsible for processing a student record until an admissions decision is made. The registrar’s office is responsible for updating a student record after the admissions decision is made.

An offer of admission to the University shall be end dated due to failure to enroll in and attend at one credit-bearing course within the first three consecutive semesters of the semester for which the student was admitted to the University. This process is run each term.

A matriculated student’s admission status shall be end dated upon the occurrence of the following:

  1. Failure to enroll in and receive a grade in any credit-bearing course (at Metropolitan State University or through dual enrollment, consortium agreement, and/or the common market passport) for six consecutive semesters, including summer terms. For the purposes of this policy, a grade is defined as A, B, C, D, F (including + and – grades), I, S, NC, W or AU. This process is run each term.
  2. Completion of a Metropolitan State baccalaureate degree program. This process is run each term.
  3. When prospective or current student notifies university staff or faculty, they are no longer interested in attending Metropolitan State University. This process is run at minimum once a month.

Section 4. Readmitted Students

Previously admitted and/or matriculated students whose admission to the University is end dated under section 3 of this policy must complete a new application for undergraduate admission and submit new official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions. These students will be expected to meet any admission and academic program requirements in place at the time of re-admission.

Section 5. Authority

This university policy is established in accordance with Minnesota State Board policies.

Section 6. Effective Date

This university policy becomes effective immediately following the signature of the President and remainsin effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 7. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementation and revision of this university regulation is assigned to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.

Section 8. Review

This policy will be reviewed by the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs every five years or as needed.

Section 9. Signatures

Issued on this date: October 12, 2022

Virginia “Ginny” Arthur, JD


Date of Implementation: October 12, 2022