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Policy 2020: Baccalaureate Degree Requirements/Modification Student Degree Program/Graduation Requirements

Download Policy 2020: Baccalaureate Degree Requirements/Modification Student Degree Program/Graduation Requirements

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University Policy #2020

Section 1. Policy

It is the policy of Metropolitan State University to offer programs that enable students to meet graduation requirements and that reflect the commitment of university faculty and staff to quality learning with depth and breadth.

Section 2. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to the authority granted under the Rules and Regulations of the Minnesota State College and University System.

Section 3. Effective Date

This policy shall become effective upon the signature of the president and remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementing this policy is assigned to the academic deans/executive directors and Provost and Executive Vice president for Academic Affairs.

Section 5. Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

Consistent with Minnesota State Procedure 3.36.1, and unless otherwise approved by Minnesota State, Metropolitan State awards a baccalaureate degree upon completion of a 120-credit academic program incorporating general education, major requirements and, as appropriate, a minor. Credits toward the baccalaureate must be at the 100-level or higher and may consist of Metropolitan State credits and any credits transferred in accordance with University Regulation #2000, “Undergraduate Admissions Standards.”

Students must meet overall degree requirements set forth in the Catalog for the year of their initial matriculation to the university or, by petition, in a subsequent Catalog. Students who return to the university after more than nine consecutive semesters without enrollment as outlined in Section 8, must meet overall degree requirements set forth in the Catalog for the year of their readmission to the university or in the current Catalog. All baccalaureate degree programs must also meet the following requirements:

  1. Overall Requirements

1. At least 30 semester credits must be earned at Metropolitan State University.

2. At least 40 semester credits must be upper division credits.

3. All students must complete the university’s general education and liberal studies requirements, as set forth in University Policy #2010 except students who complete the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum or who hold an A.A. degree from a Minnesota State institution or the University of Minnesota are exempt from Metropolitan State’s general education requirements, but must complete the liberal studies requirements.

4. The requirements for an approved major or an approved individualized program.

5. Effective for all undergraduate students entering the university for Fall 2016, at least one learning experience (minimum 3cr) with significant focus on issues of race and racism from among the total already required for graduation – including General Education/Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) requirements, Liberal Studies requirements, major requirements and electives. An approved major, minor or certificate may also be used to satisfy this requirement through a combination of courses.

6. A 2.0 or higher cumulative Metropolitan State University Grade Point Average.

B. Major or Program Requirements.

Students must meet the major or program requirements in place at the time their major or program declaration form is approved with two exceptions:

1 Students who return to the university after more than nine consecutive semesters without enrollment as outlined in Section 8 must meet the major or program requirements in place at the time of their readmission to the university; and/or

2 Students may elect to meet the most current set of major requirements at any time.

Note: Individual departments/programs often modify requirements to ensure that students are current in their field and/or have completed coursework satisfying certification or the requirements of external bodies. Students may need to take additional coursework in order to meet certification standards or the requirements of external bodies. Advisors may recommend that students take additional courses to ensure their coursework is current. However, the major or program requirements in place at the time a student declared a major (excepting the two cases listed above) will be regarded as the only requirements for major/program completion.

C. Special Requirements and Stipulations

1. First Year Students: Students who enter the university with 16 or fewer transfer credits must complete Metro 101 Your Academic Journey.

2. Alternative Learning Strategies: Learning opportunities other than courses (e.g., internships, prior learning) may be used to meet Metropolitan State requirements unless otherwise stipulated by an academic department.

3. Double majors: Students pursuing double majors must complete all prerequisites and requirements for both majors and any residency requirements determined by the colleges/schools and departments awarding the degrees. The two majors must be significantly different from each other, as determined by the colleges/schools and departments of both majors, and, if the two majors result in two different degrees, (e.g., a B.A. and a B.S.), the student may choose which degree to receive.

4. Minors: Any minor included in this degree must be significantly different from the major(s) and any other minor(s) in this degree as determined by the college/school and department of the minor.

5. Requirements for all majors/individualized programs and minors associated with the degree must be completed by the date the degree is awarded.

Section 6. Second Degrees for Students

A. Overall Requirements

A student who has already earned a baccalaureate degree from Metropolitan State University or another university/college, who desires an additional major/individualized program, must complete a second degree. It is permissible for a student to obtain a second degree with the same designation as the first (e.g., a student with a B.A. can obtain a second B.A.). Completion of the second degree requires:

  • a minimum of thirty Metropolitan State credits after the original degree was posted;
  • meeting all major/individualized program requirements and residency requirements of the college/school and department awarding the major/individualized program.

Credits/coursework from a previous degree may be applied to the new degree with the permission of the college/school and department awarding the major/individualized program and any associated minor, but do not count toward the 30 Metropolitan State University credit minimum.

General education, liberal studies and racial issues requirements are waived when the first baccalaureate degree was awarded by a regionally accredited university/college in the United States.

B. Major or Program Requirements

A second major must be significantly different from all previously completed majors, minors and programs as determined by the college/school and department of the second major. A student completing a second degree may pursue a major in the same field in which s/he previously completed a minor.

C. Minors

Any minor included in this degree must be significantly different from all previously completed majors and minor(s) as determined by the college/school and department of the new minor.

D. Transcript and GPA Calculation

The transcript will show the new degree, major with any associated minor/s, and a cumulative GPA based on all credits attained at Metropolitan State University. A “first degree GPA” will be calculated using only the credits counted in the original degree; and a “second degree GPA” will be calculated using only the credits beyond the original degree. The “second degree GPA” must meet or exceed 2.0.

Section 7. Program Approval/Revision

A. Major/Program Declaration.

  1. Students must complete and submit a major or program declaration form to the appropriate college/school before they are formally accepted into a major or program and before completing 80 semester credits or within the first year after matriculation, whichever is later.

Colleges/schools certify, in consultation with others as appropriate, that a student's program meets all applicable requirements. Individualized degree plans in areas outside the other college/schools must be approved through the College of Individualized Studies. All programs, individualized and majors, must be approved according to policies established by the resident faculty in each college.

  1. Students who change programs or majors must submit a revised major or program declaration form to the appropriate college/school for approval.
  1. Unless formally revised, an approved program is considered final.
  1. Students will be assigned to the college/school in which they declare a major or program.
  1. Minor Declaration: Students who wish to complete a minor or certificate must complete a minor or certificate declaration form. Minors and certificates must be approved by the college/school in which the program is housed. Minors must be completed in conjunction with a Metropolitan State University bachelor’s degree.

Section 8. Lapsed Status and Re-enrollment

Matriculated students who have not enrolled in and received a grade in any credit-bearing course for nine consecutive semesters will be required to apply for readmission and must meet the academic requirements in place at the time of readmission. For the purposes of this policy, a grade is defined as A, B, C, D, F (including + and – grades), I, S, NC, W or AU. This requirement may be waived in special circumstances. (See exceptions in Section 10.)

Section 9. Graduation

The baccalaureate degree shall be granted upon verification of the following:

  1. completion of the work in an approved major/program,

Note: All majors must be approved by the college in which the major resides.

  1. completion of general education and liberal studies requirements,
  1. satisfaction of all other Metropolitan State University degree requirements, and
  1. application for graduation.

Section 10. Exceptions

Academic department chairs/curriculum coordinators or academic deans/executive directors may make exceptions to major, minor and program requirements and academic deans/ executive directors may make exceptions to any other parts of this policy.

Section 11. Appeals

Students may appeal decisions relative to academic requirements, program approval and graduation under the provision of University Procedure #202 Academic Appeals Procedure.

Section 12. Review

This policy will be revised as necessary.

Section 13. Signatures

Issued on this 10th day of October, 2017.

President Virginia “Ginny” Arthur, JD

Posted Date 10-10-17