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Policy 2030: Undergraduate Admissions – Policy for International Students

Download Policy 2030: Undergraduate Admissions – Policy for International Students

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University Policy # 2030

Section 1. Policy

It is the intention of Metropolitan State University to promote the admission of qualified international students for both undergraduate degree and non-degree programs. Those international applicants who apply either as individuals or as members of a cohort program, and as either as degree seeking or non-degree seeking students will be granted or denied admission to Metropolitan State University (hereafter the University) in accordance with the procedures specified in Procedure 203 .

Section 2. Authority

This University policy is established in accordance with Minnesota State College and University Board (MnSCU) policies.

Section 3. Effective Date

This University policy becomes effective immediately following the signatures of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President and remains in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementation and revision of this University regulation is assigned to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Section 5. Definitions

  1. Academic Core: A secondary school curriculum sufficiently rigorous to prepare a student for college.
  2. International Applicant or Student: A degree or non-degree seeking student who is neither a U.S. citizen nor a permanent resident of the U.S. engaging in full time or part time academic study in an accredited non-U.S. institution recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Any individual holding an F, J, H, L, M or TN visa who is studying at a U.S. educational institution is considered an international student.
  3. Cohort: A group of international students from an accredited foreign university who will enter the University as a class and will remain together to complete a defined degree program or a set program of study (degree or non-degree) pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) and Articulation Agreement with the University.

D. Baccalaureate Degree Seeking Student:

1. A first time individual international student who is granted admission to the University for the purpose of obtaining a baccalaureate degree. An individual international student will be considered a first time student if s/he has accumulated less than the equivalent of 16 semester credits or 24 quarter credits of normally transferable post-secondary course work.

2. An international student who is a member of a cohort, currently enrolled in an accredited foreign university and normally in his/her third or fourth year, having completed at least 60 credits or equivalent of undergraduate work, who is granted admission to the University for the purpose of completing a baccalaureate degree as part of a defined degree program under an MOA and an Articulation Agreement with a partnering international institution.

E. Non-Degree Seeking Student:

1. Individual international applicants who are seeking to enroll in courses without being admitted to a university degree program and hold, at minimum, a high school diploma, GED, or equivalent as determined by a recognized U.S. international educational evaluation entity. Students enrolling in 300 level or higher need to submit a transcript showing completion of 30 semester credits or equivalent and meet course requirements.

2. Cohort applicants who are seeking to enroll in degree courses for academic credit, without being admitted to a University degree program, which will be accepted in transfer by their home foreign institution, with whom the University has an MoA to provide a specified set of courses and number of credits per semester or academic year.

F. Transfer Student:

1. An individual international applicant who has attempted 16 semester or 24 quarter credits or more of normally transferrable post-secondary course work. This definition is for the purpose of admission processing and evaluation.

2. An international cohort applicant who is transferring a maximum of 90 credits from an accredited foreign institution in accordance with a written MoA and Articulation Agreement between that institution and the University, which credits may contribute to a University degree or a dual degree with their home institution.

Section 6. Review

This policy will be reviewed by the Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs as needed but at least every five years.

Section 7. Signature

Issued on this 3rd day of December 2013.

Virginia Arthur, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs

Sue K. Hammersmith, President