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Policy 2050: Undergraduate Academic Standing

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University Policy # 2050

Section 1. Policy Scope and Purpose

This policy applies to all undergraduate students admitted to degree-seeking status at Metropolitan State University.

The University expects students to successfully complete the courses and other learning opportunities for which they register.

The goals of an Academic Standing Policy are to:

  • Define and maintain the academic standards of the university;
  • Provide for interventions with students who do not meet university requirements in order to support retention of students who encounter difficulties;
  • Provide standards consistent with MnSCU policy and Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements.

This policy is implemented as mandated by Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board Policy 2.9, which requires that the Academic Standing Policy have the same grade point average standard and percentage of completion standard as the University’s Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Policy.

Section 2. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to the authority granted under the Rules and Regulations of the Minnesota State College and University System.

Section 3. Effective Date

This university policy becomes effective immediately upon the signature of the Provost and President and remains in effect until modified or expressly revoked. This policy may be changed without notice to comply with federal and MnSCU mandated changes in policy and procedures. As required by the MnSCU Office of the Chancellor, the first review of student academic standing under this policy will be conducted at the end of Fall Semester, 2011 (20123 term).

The Academic Standing Review Procedure #205 will define a transition plan that will “hold harmless” students placed on academic probation or dismissed for academic reasons under previous versions of Metropolitan State University Policy 2050.

Section 4. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementing this policy is assigned to the Provost. All deans, faculty and professional advisors in the colleges/schools have the responsibility for monitoring academic progress of students in their colleges/schools and for supporting retention efforts for those students. The Registrar and Information Technology staff are responsible for implementing administrative procedures to review students’ academic standing and for maintaining student records and to track and enforce this policy. Students are responsible for knowing their Academic Standing status.

Section 5. Definitions

A. Good Academic Standing: A student is in Good Academic Standing when the student’s cumulative Grade Point Average and cumulative completion rate meet minimum standards as established in the Academic Standing Review Procedure #205.

B. The cumulative GPA is calculated on the basis of Metropolitan State and other courses taken by the student at other institutions as stated in the Academic Standing Review Procedure #205 and consistent with MnSCU Board Policy 2.9 and Procedure 2.9.1.

C. The successful cumulative completion rate is computed by dividing the number of credits successfully completed by the number of credits attempted as defined in the Academic Standing Procedure and consistent with MnSCU Board Policy 2.9 and Procedure 2.9.1.

D. Developmental courses are courses completed at Metropolitan State, posted on the Metropolitan State transcript through Consortium Agreements, or completed at other institutions and submitted for transfer to Metropolitan State that are intended to prepare students for entry into college level courses (MnSCU Board Procedure 3.36.1, Part 2, Subpart EE). Developmental level course credits are included in the cumulative GPA, but do not apply toward a certificate or degree.

E. Transferred credits applicable to the academic program include all credits accepted in transfer by the University, including 16 professional/occupational program credits. If a student has officially declared and been admitted to a degree program and major that accepts more than 16 technical/professional credits, the additional transfer credits will be counted as transferred credits applicable to the degree program. For the purposes of determining academic standing, the number of transferred credits applicable to the program requirements will be the number of transferred credits maintained in the student’s academic record and listed on the student’s Metropolitan State transcript. There is no maximum number of transferred credits that can be considered applicable to the student’s program requirements.

F. Metropolitan State University credits include all courses for which students enroll at Metropolitan State University, and courses from other MnSCU institutions listed on the Metropolitan State University transcript as consortium agreement courses.

G. Full academic year means three successive academic terms, including fall, spring, and summer semesters.

Section 6. Policy

Following posting of grades after each fall, spring, and summer semester, the University will review the academic standing of each student admitted to an undergraduate degree program and registered for that semester.

In order to remain in good Academic Standing, undergraduate students admitted to degree-seeking status are expected to maintain a:

  • Cumulative Metropolitan State University GPA of at least 2.0 and at least equal to the cumulative GPA required to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress for the purposes of receiving financial aid, and
  • Cumulative completion rate of at least the minimum level required to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress for the purpose of receiving financial aid.

The Academic Standing Review Procedure #205 implements this policy. The Academic Standing Review Procedure #205 defines the actions that the University will take to intervene with students who fall below the standards to remain in good Academic Standing, consistent with MnSCU Board Policy 2.9 and MnSCU Procedure 2.9.1, including suspending students from further registration at Metropolitan State University.

Students appealing an academic suspension, requesting reinstatement from academic suspension, or applying for readmission to the university after academic suspension will be considered for return to the University under guidelines and procedures established in the Academic Standing Review Procedure #205. These guidelines and procedures may be different from the guidelines and procedures for appealing suspension from eligibility to receive financial aid.

Section 7. Notification of Academic Standing

Students not in good Academic Standing and students returned to good Academic Standing will be notified in writing of their status upon review of students’ academic standing and at other times when changes in a student’s academic standing are made. Notification in writing will consist of a message sent to the student through the U.S. mail, or to the student’s University-assigned email address, or given to the student in person.

Section 8. Other Academic Standards

Financial Aid. Students may need to meet other academic progress standards to be eligible to receive financial aid. The Financial Aid Office will establish standards to maintain satisfactory academic progress to remain eligible to receive financial aid, consistent with state and federal law and regulations and MnSCU Board policy and procedure.

International Students. International students may need to meet other academic progress standards for immigration/naturalization purposes. They should contact the university’s International Student Advisor for information.

Academic Program Requirements. Students may need to meet other academic progress standards as specified in academic program policies in the Undergraduate Catalog.

Section 9. Progress Toward Degree Completion

A. Upon admission to the university, students will be given information about the number of credits accepted in transfer and applicable to their academic program, as well as Metropolitan State credits beyond those accepted in transfer needed to complete their general education/liberal studies (GELS) requirements.

B. Upon officially declaring a major/program, students will be informed of the number of Metropolitan State credits needed to augment transfer credits in order to satisfy major/program requirements.

Section 10. Review

This policy and procedure will be reviewed after two years, or when mandated by changes in Financial Aid academic progress requirements and/or MnSCU policy and procedure.

Section 11. Signatures

Issued on this day, November 30, 2011

Gary Seiler, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Sue K. Hammersmith, President