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Policy 2190: Student Academic Integrity

Download Policy 2190: Student Academic Integrity

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University Policy #2190

Section 1. Purpose

This policy is intended to provide all members of the Metropolitan State University community with a shared understanding of our high expectations for honesty in academic work and responsibilities for upholding academic integrity.

Section 2. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to authority granted under the Rules and Regulations of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU).

Section 3. Effective Date

This policy shall become effective upon signature by the president and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 4. Philosophy

Metropolitan State University is an institution dedicated to higher learning. In the pursuit of education in their fields, learners are exposed to theories, artworks, arguments, practices, and data created by countless contributors across time and around the globe. The academic community in the United States requires that we express our indebtedness and respect by explicitly acknowledging the original source of any material we use in our own work.

A student’s work provides the means of assessing learning. It is essential, consequently, to distinguish between a student’s own responses and the ideas being borrowed or built upon. Every dishonest act, every breach of integrity, and every misrepresentation undermines the process of learning and impedes the advancement of knowledge. Deceit cannot be tolerated in a community devoted to the principles of education.

Each member of the university is accountable for the intellectual honesty of his or her academic work. The integrity of Metropolitan State University is ours to hold in trust for future students.

Section 5. Responsibilities

Student Responsibilities:

By enrolling at Metropolitan State University, students agree to accept responsibility for upholding standards of academic integrity in all of their work at the university. Students should:

  • read and become familiar with the Academic Integrity Policy;
  • complete all academic work with integrity;
  • understand actions defined as academic integrity violations and avoid such violations;
  • seek clarification from their professors when they are uncertain about what constitutes academic integrity violations; and
  • report breaches of academic integrity to an advisor, professor, dean, or the provost.

Faculty Responsibilities:

Metropolitan State University faculty members are committed to preventative and educational measures aimed at increasing student awareness and understanding of academic integrity. Faculty should:

  • refer to the Academic Integrity Policy on each course syllabus;
  • model principles of academic integrity in their own work;
  • explain their expectations for academic integrity to students;
  • answer students’ questions about academic integrity and the correct procedures for completing course work;
  • provide written guidelines for specific policies they require students to follow in their coursework if such policies differ from this University policy; and
  • address student violations of the academic integrity policy by reporting offenses to the office of the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs and assigning penalties outlined in the course’s syllabus.

Administrator Responsibilities:

Metropolitan State University administrators are committed to maintaining the academic integrity of the institution. Their role is to support faculty efforts at upholding academic integrity, ensure that all students undergo fair and due process, keep effective records of academic integrity violations, and impose appropriate sanctions as posted. Administrators should:

  • assist and support the faculty in addressing student violations of the academic integrity policy;
  • communicate with faculty and students the actions taken to address violations of the academic integrity policy;
  • maintain accurate records of student academic integrity violations;
  • notify faculty members in a timely manner about students’ prior violations and actions taken.

Responsibility for implementation of this policy is assigned to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Section 6. Scope

This Academic Integrity Policy pertains to every student at Metropolitan State University. This policy’s requirement of integrity also applies to the materials and records submitted by students seeking admission to the university. This policy’s jurisdiction extends to all academically related activities, whether for on-campus coursework or off-campus endeavors such as conferences or internships.

Section 7. Procedures and Related Policies

Academic Procedure #219 implements this policy. Academic Procedure #219 provides University definitions of academic integrity violations, details the sanctions imposed by faculty and University administration for breaches of academic integrity, and refers violators to Procedure #202 Academic Appeals.

In cases where there may be overlap between Academic Integrity Policy #2190 and University Student Conduct Code Policy #1020, this policy authorizes consultation between the Provost and Judicial Officer to determine whether the infraction warrants Conduct Code outcomes, Academic Integrity sanctions, or both.

Section 8. Availability of Policy and Procedure

During orientation, students shall be informed of Academic Integrity Policy #2190 and its availability. Annually, and upon amendment, the university will notify students of the availability and location of the Academic Integrity Policy. A copy of the policy will be posted on the University website and at appropriate campus locations.

Section 9. Review

This policy will be reviewed and modified as appropriate.

Section 10. Signatures

Issued on the 6th day of January 2014.

Virginia Arthur, Provost & Vice President, Academic Affairs

Sue K. Hammersmith, President