Academic Affairs Policy #2510
Section 1: Purpose
This policy sets the standard for proposing, reviewing, and authorizing undergraduate courses, faculty designed independent studies (FDIS), group internships and theory seminars.
Section 2: Authority
This policy is issued pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Minnesota State Colleges and University (MnSCU) system.
Section 3: Effective Date
This policy shall become effective upon signature by the President and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.
Section 4; Responsibility
Responsibility for this policy is assigned to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Section 5: PROCEDURE
Academic Procedure 251, Undergraduate Course, Faculty Designed Independent Study (FDIS), Group Internship & Theory Seminar Review, implements this policy. Procedure 251 provides guidance for the process for proposing, evaluating, and authorizing undergraduate courses, FDISs, group internships, and theory seminars.
Section 5: POLICY
Metropolitan State University shall delineate a procedure for proposing, reviewing and authorizing undergraduate courses, faculty designed independent studies (FDIS), group internships and theory seminars. Such a process shall include, but is not limited to, a course proposal form to document the course and its attributes, consultations with respect to overlap and library resources, and authorizing signatures by the (1) Department/Program, (2) Inter Faculty Organization (IFO) College/School Curriculum Committee, (3) IFO Academic Affairs Committee, (4) College Dean, and (5) Academic Scheduling Coordinator.
Section 6: REVIEW
This policy will be reviewed biannually by the Deans and the Provost for Academic Affairs in conjunction with the biannual review of the related University Procedure #251.
Effective on the 17th day of November, 2014.
Virginia Arthur, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs
Devinder M. Malhotra, Ph.D., Interim President