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Policy 2550: Academic program review

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University Policy #2550

Section 1. Purpose

  1. This policy sets the standard for planning and conducting academic program reviews, creating action plans based on those reviews, and reporting progress against the respective action plans at Metro State University.
  2. The purpose of an Academic Program Review is to engage program faculty members in reflective evaluation of an academic program to support planning, improvements, and alignment with Metro State University’s mission and strategic goals for relevant, student-centered education in an inclusive, anti-racist, and supportive learning environment.

Section 2. Definitions

  • Academic Program: a cohesive arrangement of college-level curricular requirements leading to an academic award (Minnesota State System Policy 3.36)
  • Academic Program Review: a process focused on evaluating program effectiveness and alignment with institutional priorities, goals, and outcomes
  • Academic Program Review Plan: the steps and elements that will be included in an upcoming academic program review
  • Annual Assessment Report: The Annual Assessment Report identifies the Program Learning Outcomes assessed in the prior academic year, the methods by which those outcomes were assessed, the results of the assessment, and a narrative interpretation of the results. The Annual Assessment Report also specifies a program’s plans to modify its curriculum, pedagogical approaches, or assessment measures based on the results. This report is prepared simultaneously with the Program Annual Reflection each Fall Semester.
  • Assessment: a systematic and iterative process of collecting and analyzing data related to a particular outcome and using the results for continuous improvement of student learning
  • Program Action Plan: a document created during the final stage of Academic Program Review and which guides the program’s continuous improvement and program-level assessment of student learning outcomes over the next five-year cycle
  • Program Annual Reflection (PAR): a document which reflects on a program’s prior academic year institutional trends; program health and sustainability; and assessment of program-level student learning outcomes

Section 3. Policy

It is the policy of Metro State University that systematic and comprehensive academic program reviews shall provide evidence to support planning and decision-making at all levels, continuous improvement, programmatic innovation, and stewardship of institutional resources. The Program Review process shall include Program Annual Reflections, Annual Assessment Reports, and Academic Program Reviews, the last of which shall include creating Academic Program Review Plans, conducting Academic Program Reviews, creating post-review Program Action Plans, and reporting progress with Program Annual Reflections and Annual Assessment Reports. Such a process shall include the review format, documentation requirements, and approvals as evidenced by signatures by the (1) Department Chair, (2) Dean, and (3) Provost/Provost’s Designee.

Section 4. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to authority granted under Minnesota State System Policy 3.36 and Higher Learning Commission Assumed Practices, Policy Number CRRT.C.10.010 A

Section 5. Effective Date

This university policy shall become effective upon signature by the president and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 6. Responsibility

The Provost or Provost’s designee is responsible for the implementation of this policy.

Section 7. Review

This policy shall be reviewed every five (5) years or as needed.

Section 8. Signature

Issued on: 01/01/2025

Virginia “Ginny” Arthur, JD


Revised: 01/13/2017; 01/01/2025

Date and Subject of Amendments: January 2025 eliminated “continuous improvement reports” and introduced “program annual reflections.”

Additional History and/or Revision Dates: n/a