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Policy 2580: Existing Undergraduate Course, FDIS, Group Internship and Theory Seminar Change

Download Policy 2580: Existing Undergraduate Course, FDIS, Group Internship and Theory Seminar Change

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Academic Affairs Policy #2580

Section 1. Purpose

This policy sets the standard for authorizing minor and substantial changes to existing undergraduate courses, faculty designed independent studies (FDIS), group internships and theory seminars.

Section 2. Policy

Metropolitan State University shall delineate a procedure for proposing, reviewing, authorizing, and implementing changes to existing undergraduate offerings. Such a process shall include, but is not limited to, the proposal format, documentation requirements, and approvals as evidenced by authorizing signatures:

  • For minor changes, (1) Department Chair and (2) the College Dean or School Director
  • For substantial changes, (1) Department Chair, (2) IFO College Curriculum Committee Chair, and (3) the College Dean or School Director

Minor and substantial changes are defined in Procedure 258.

Section 3. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system.

Section 4. Effective Date

This policy shall become effective upon signature by the President and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 5. Responsibility

Responsibility for this policy is assigned to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs.

Section 6. Procedure Implementation (this section should be about implementation)

Academic Procedure 258, Existing Undergraduate Courses, FDIS, Group Internship and Theory Seminar Change Procedure, implements this policy. Procedure 258 provides guidance for the process for proposing, reviewing, authorizing, and implementing changes to existing undergraduate offerings.

Section 7. Review

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Deans and the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs in conjunction with the annual review of the related University Procedure 258.

Section 8. Signatures

Issued on February 13, 2018.

President Virginia (Ginny) Arthur, JD

Date (02-13-18)

Posted Date (02-13-18)