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Procedure 252: Graduation with Honors for Undergraduate Students

Download Procedure 252: Graduation with Honors for Undergraduate Students

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University Procedure #252

Section 1. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to recognize undergraduate students with high academic achievement.

Section 2. Authority

This procedure is issued pursuant to authority granted under the Rules and Regulations of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU).

Section 3. Effective Date

This procedure is effective at the beginning of the 2012-2013 academic year and remains in effect until modified or expressly revoked. (August 2012 graduates will be the first graduates for whom this revised procedure shall be applicable.)

Section 4. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementation of this regulation is assigned to the Registrar and Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Section 5. Process for Graduation with Honors

  1. Prior to each commencement, the Registrar’s Office will generate a list of graduating students whose grade point average through the previous semester qualifies them for graduation with honors as described in Policy 2520. No rounding up of grade point averages will be computed.
  1. Those students will be notified by the Graduation Office that they will:
    1. Be eligible for recognition of graduation with honors at commencement;
    2. Be recognized at commencement in the commencement program, based on the cumulative GPA at the end of the semester immediately preceding the semester of graduation;
    3. Be informed that they may purchase a gold cord to wear at commencement as a visible symbol of their achievement;
    4. Receive the appropriate honors notation (Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, or Cum Laude) on their transcript based on the cumulative GPA at the time grades are posted to the transcript in the final semester.
  1. Students who qualified for recognition at commencement will not have an honors designation recorded on their transcript if, at the time the final credits are recorded and the final cumulative GPA is calculated, the cumulative GPA does not meet one of the honors designations.

Section 7. Review

This procedure will be subject to review as needed.

Section 8. Approval

Issued on this 16th day of May 2012.

Gary Seiler, Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Sue K. Hammersmith, President