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Procedure 258: Existing Undergraduate Course, FDIS, Group Internship and Theory Seminar Change

Academic Affairs Procedure #258

Section 1. Purpose

The University's Existing Undergraduate Course, Faculty Designed Independent Study (FDIS), Group Internship, and Theory Seminar (hereafter “course offerings”) Change Procedure is intended to allow curricular units and/or departments to change an existing course offering.

Section 2. Procedure

This procedure is designed to ensure that course changes are proposed and evaluated in a consistent manner to support quality and coherence within Metropolitan State University. The scope of this procedure includes all the parameters specified in Section 5.

Section 3. Authority

This procedure is issued pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Minnesota State College and University System.

Section 4. Effective Date

This university procedure shall become effective upon signature by the President, and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 5. Responsibility

Responsibility for the implementation of this procedure is assigned to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.

Section 6. Parameters for Course Offering Changes

Metropolitan State University allows the types of changes, listed below, under the course change procedure. Such course changes are documented using the Course Change Request (CCR) form.

The following are deemed to be minor changes requiring authorization as evidenced by signatures of (1) Department Chair and (2) the College Dean or School Director:

  1. Course Prefix and Number:

Change is considered minor if the prefix is within the same curricular unit. Please consult with the registrar to ensure a given prefix and number combination is not already in use.

  1. Double Listing:

Change is considered minor when a course formerly listed for a single discipline becomes double listed with a second discipline. Consultations with affected departments/units are required, with Department Chair signatures. Primary Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code is required.

  1. Course Title:

Change is considered minor unless the title is duplicated within the University curriculum.

  1. Credits:

Change is considered minor if there is only a one credit increase or decrease.

  1. Course Level Change:

Changes from 100-level to 200-level and vice versa or a change from 300-level to 400-level and vice versa are considered minor. All other changes are substantial.

  1. Contact Hours (Class Room or Laboratory):

All changes are considered minor; see Policy #2180, Credit Hour Policy.

  1. Pre-Requisite(s):

Change is considered minor unless the prerequisite is a course in another curriculum unit or department or if the scope and/or sequence of the broader curriculum is affected.

  1. Co-Requisites(s):

Change is considered minor unless the co-requisite is a course in another curriculum unit or department or if the scope and/or sequence of the broader curriculum is affected.

  1. Delete a Course from the Active Curriculum (i.e. End Date):

Change is considered minor for end dating a course.

  1. Assessment Type:

Change is considered minor if assessment type changes from a letter grade to pass/fail or vice versa.

The following are examples of substantial changes requiring authorization as evidenced by signatures of (1) Department Chair, (2) IFO College Curriculum Committee Chair, and (3) the College Dean or School Director:

  1. Course Description:

Change is considered substantial unless the change is merely typographical or grammatical.

  1. Learning Outcomes:

Change is considered substantial unless the change is merely typographical or grammatical.

  1. Course Level Change:

Change is substantial from lower division to upper division and vice versa.

  1. Requisite(s), Pre-Requisite(s), and Co-Requisite(s):

Change is substantial when another department is affected and/or the scope or sequence of the broader curriculum is affected.

  1. Credit Changes:

Change is substantial if two or more credits are increased or decreased.

  1. Reinstate a Course into the Active Curriculum (i.e. Re-start Date):

Placing an end-dated course back into the active curriculum is considered substantial.

This list is not exhaustive; the proposer is encouraged to take a qualitative and quantitative perspective when considering course changes. A brief explanation of proposed changes with the rationale presented is required to expedite the evaluation of the CCR by the (1) Department Chair, (2) IFO College Curriculum Committee Chair, and (3) the College Dean or School Director.

Section 7. Monitoring

The registrar’s office is responsible for monitoring successive change attempts on a given course to ensure that multiple CCRs are not used to circumvent Policy #2580 and Procedure #258.

Note, once a course is “published,” the semester has started, and students have registered, no Title, Credit and Prerequisite changes can be made until the next semester. Title changes create unnecessary student confusion. Credit changes affect financial aid eligibility owing to full-time status and/or maximum credit load. And prerequisite changes can cause departments to forcibly drop students who registered prior to prerequisite enforcement. Such changes must wait until the next semester.

Section 8. Course Change Review (CCR) Form


The proposer is responsible for preparing the course change review (CCR) form.


After review, approval is evidenced by authorizing signatures, as follows:

• For minor changes, (1) Department Chair and (2) the College Dean or School Director

• For substantial changes, (1) Department Chair, (2) IFO College Curriculum Committee Chair, and (3) the College Dean or School Director

Note: IFO College Curriculum Committee Chair signs to indicate the full College Curriculum Committee has reviewed and approved the CCR.

Once the CCR is signed, it is submitted to the Registrar’s Office/Academic Scheduling Coordinator, as follows:

  1. Electronically as a MS Word document (electronic signatures acceptable)
  2. Electronically as a scanned PDF
  3. In hard copy through inter-office mail

After receipt in the Registrar’s Office, the Academic Scheduling Coordinator enters course change(s) into the curriculum database. The effective date on the CCR is entered as the end date of the course that was previously approved and start date of the changed course. Promulgation of the change(s) may occur on the effective date of the course change.

The Academic Scheduling Coordinator will return one signed copy to appropriate college office for records.

Section 9. Review

This procedure will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Deans and the Provost for Academic Affairs.

Section 10 Signatures

Issued on February 13, 2018.

President Virginia (Ginny) Arthur, JD

Date (02-13-18)

Posted Date (02-13-18)