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Procedure 280: Visiting Scholar Exchange

Download Procedure 280: Visiting Scholar Exchange

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University Procedure # 280

Section 1. Purpose

This procedure is designed to provide procedures and guidance for the appointment, roles, requirements, and responsibilities of a visiting scholar. The procedure is consistent with the University policy to promote, support and facilitate the participation in international study and engagement to enhance global understanding.

Section 2. Authority

This procedure is issued pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Minnesota State College and University System and Metropolitan State University.

Section 3. Effective Date

This university procedure shall become effective upon signature by the President and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

The responsibility for the administrative oversight of this university procedure is assigned to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Section 5. Implementation of Visiting Scholar Procedures

  1. Criteria for Appointment

The following are the minimum eligibility criteria for a Visiting Scholar designation:

    1. The individual must be visiting from an outside institution or organization;
    2. The individual must have a doctoral degree or other appropriate terminal degree in an academic field, or be a recognized expert in his or her field;
    3. The source of salary funding for the individual must not be Metropolitan State University; and
    4. Individual schools and departments may establish more restrictive eligibility requirements.
  1. Visa Request

If the Visiting Scholar is coming from outside the United States, ascertain if the individual is eligible to be admitted to the United States under the J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa process. Consult with the Director of International Student Services to determine if and for what type of visa the potential Visiting Scholar may be eligible and to determine the procedures for providing the potential Visiting Scholar with the necessary documents to apply for a suitable visa.

  1. Appointment Procedures
    1. The sponsoring department shall ensure that a candidate for Visiting Scholar meets the criteria listed above.
    2. A Visiting Scholar invitation letter may be issued to the potential Visiting Scholar, who meets the above requirements, by the Dean or designee from the host College. The invitation letter shall:
      1. Specify the term of the Visiting Scholar designation, that is the dates of residency at Metropolitan State University and ascertain that these terms of service are consistent with the Visa under which the Visiting Scholar will be entering the United States;
      2. Identify the sponsoring Metropolitan State individual or entity;
      3. Confirm that no salary from Metropolitan State is associated with the appointment;
      4. Specify that the Visiting Scholar must follow all regulatory requirements such as the need for an appropriate visa and health insurance (required by Policy 3000:Health Insurance Requirement for International Students and Visiting Scholars) and other Metropolitan State University policies that apply to his or her activities while at Metropolitan State; and
      5. Incorporate by reference the terms of this procedure.
    3. Specify that the Visiting Scholar, upon arrival, shall be required to attend a J-1 scholar immigration orientation session as well as to participate in other required university training for new faculty, such as health and safety training or other mandatory topics derived from the requirements for the orientation of a new resident faculty member.
  1. Intellectual Property Agreements

The Visiting Scholar shall abide by the following policies providing for intellectual property protection: Metropolitan State University Policy 2110: Intellectual Property and Online Courses, MNSCU Board Policy 3: Intellectual Property, and MNSCU Board Procedure 3.26.1: Patent and Inquiry Procedures.

  1. Health Insurance

The U.S. Department of State requires that Visiting Scholars be covered by health insurance for the duration of their status in the United States. If the exchange visitor has dependents, travelling with him or her on a J-2 visa, they must be covered as well. Metropolitan State offers insurance through a company that meets U.S. Department of State standards that may be purchased by the Visiting Scholar. During the J-1 scholar immigration orientation session, a Visiting Scholars will be provided with the information necessary to enroll in the insurance plan offered through Metropolitan State University.

Visiting Scholars may also purchase their own insurance from another U.S. based company if it meets required standards. In some cases, the Visiting Scholar’s home institution may cover the cost of health insurance during the Scholar’s stay in the United States. This, too, is allowable if it meets the required standards. Visiting Scholars may also receive health insurance for their stay in the United States, from another organization, such as the Fulbright Commission in the scholar’s home country.

  1. Responsibility of Sponsoring Department
    1. The Sponsoring Department shall provide designated office space for the Visiting Scholar. The office space should have a computer, printing access, and Internet access.
    2. With the approval of the Dean from the host College, the Sponsoring Department shall arrange for the Visiting Scholar to have accounts and passwords as necessary to be able to access Metropolitan State e-mail, online courses, and library resources and services.
    3. The Sponsoring Department shall provide a resident faculty member who will be the primary contact person for the Visiting Scholar and who will be coordinating the Scholar’s activities related to a teaching role. The designated resident faculty member shall assist the Visiting Scholar to register for the on-campus J-1 Visa Orientation and attend the Orientation with the Visiting Scholar.
    4. The Sponsoring Department shall identify a staff support person who will be the contact for University logistics of the Scholar’s stay such as questions about printing, questions about postal mail, and other related issues.
    5. The Sponsoring Department will be responsible for arranging activities to help orient the Scholar to the University life and culture and to living in the Twin Cities.
    6. The Sponsoring Department shall arrange for a person to assist the Visiting Scholar with necessary activities such as opening a bank account, arranging for home internet services, and other personal services needed to live in the Twin Cities for a period of weeks or months. Visiting Scholars coming for a period of months may need assistance, too, in locating suitable housing.

Section 6. Review

This procedure will be reviewed as necessary.

Section 7. Signatures

Issued on 8th day of November, 2012.

Virginia Arthur, Provost and Vice President Academic Affairs

Sue K. Hammersmith, President