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Policy 3020: Scholarship Committee

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University Policy #3020

Section 1. Policy

The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to ensure the timely, fair, and appropriate distribution of general-revenue scholarship funds and of other funds assigned to the committee to support the students of Metropolitan State University.

Section 2. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to the Minnesota State College and University System rules and regulations.

Section 3. Effective Date

This policy shall become effective upon signature by the President, and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

The Vice President of Student Affairs is responsible for implementation of this policy.

Section 5. Committee Responsibilities

The specific responsibilities of the Scholarship Committee include the following:

1. The Scholarship Committee will be responsible for publicizing available scholarships, reviewing applications, and determining awards for university scholarships not otherwise managed by the University Foundation, a College, or an Academic or Student Affairs department.

2. Criteria for the awarding of new and existing scholarships will be developed by the committee upon the direction of and with approval by the President.

  1. The Scholarship Committee will select recipients of scholarships through an appropriate confidential and documented blind-review selection process. The Scholarship Committee will obtain financial aid and academic information from the Student Financial Aid Office and/or from the University Records Office on an as-needed basis for the awarding of scholarships. All awards will be coordinated with the Student Financial Aid Office to insure that scholarship awards do not result in an over-award of student financial aid funds. The Committee will develop an appropriate annual timetable for the selection and notification of scholarship recipients.
  2. The Committee will develop announcements and scholarship application forms as well as any other materials it deems necessary to the maintenance of a fair and judicious award process. When requested, the Committee will also consult with the President or his or her designee on the criteria for awarding new or existing scholarships.

Section 6. Committee Process

The Scholarship Committee will be appointed as indicated below. The appointed members are asked to serve for a two-year term, commencing on October 1 and ending on September 30. The committee will be composed as follows:

  • Two (2) faculty members, nominated by the IFO,
  • One (1) MSUAASF member at large,
  • One (1) academic officer, selected by the President,
  • Two (2) students, selected by the Student Senate.
  • Director of Admissions,
  • Director of Student Financial Aid, and
  • One (1) member of Multicultural Student Services, recommended by the Vice President of Student Affairs.

The chair of the Committee will be selected by the President from among its members.

To avoid the appearance as well as the reality of conflict of interest, the following policy shall apply: Should a committee member become aware of having a personal relationship with any individual applying for a scholarship or grant awarded by the committee, that member will recuse himself/herself from service on the committee. A professional or student-to-student relationship between a committee member and an applicant will not ordinarily require a committee member recuse him/herself from service. A replacement (to serve for the remainder of the recused party’s term) will be selected by the same party that selected the recused person. In the case of the Director of Admissions or Director of Financial Aid, an alternate will be selected by the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Section 7. Review

This policy will be subject to review on a biennial basis, or as needed.

Section 8. Approval

Issued on this 7th day of April, 2010.

Sue K. Hammersmith, Ph.D., President