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Procedure 302: Administering Annual Student Senate Grant and Student Senate Academic Achievement Award

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University Procedure #302

Section 1. Policy

This procedure applies to University Policy 3020. It is the purpose of this procedure to ensure the timely, fair, and appropriate distribution of general-revenue scholarship funds available to support the undergraduate students of Metropolitan State University by offering Student Senate Grants and Student Senate Academic Achievement Awards.

Section 2. Authority

This regulation is issued pursuant to the Minnesota State College and University System rules and regulations.

Section 3. Effective Date

This regulation shall become effective upon signature by the President, and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

The Vice President of Student Affairs is responsible for implementation of this regulation.

Section 5. Definitions

The Student Senate Grant is a need-based award of general-revenue funds allocated for this purpose by the University. Grants to individual students are in a uniform amount determined by the Scholarship Committee each year. Funds are disbursed one semester at a time as part of a student’s regular package of financial aid. A student may receive no more than two semesters of this aid. Recipients must be in good academic standing, be enrolled for at least six credits during the award semester, and meet the other criteria for FAFSA-related need-based financial aid. Students selected for awards receive disbursements for each semester of the fiscal year if they continue meeting eligibility requirements.

The Student Senate Academic Achievement Award is a non-need-based award of general-revenue funds allocated for this purpose by the University. Grants to individual students are in a uniform amount determined by the Scholarship Committee each year. Funds are disbursed one semester at a time as part of a student’s regular package of financial aid. Applicants must be regularly admitted students at Metropolitan State University, have completed a minimum of 12 credits at Metropolitan State University, have a GPA of at least 3.0, be in good academic standing, and be enrolled for at least six credits during the award semester. Students selected for awards receive disbursements for each semester of the fiscal year if they continue meeting eligibility requirements.

Section 6. Procedure

The following is a chronologically ordered list of what the committee will do to make one round of awards that will expend the funds available in a given fiscal year. The process begins in December and awards funds to be disbursed during the following fiscal year. The deadline for each step of the process is noted in bold type. Most steps will be initiated well before the listed deadline.

  1. December 15: Scholarship Committee completes a funding proposal for Student Senate awards to be offered the following fiscal year and forwards it to Vice President for Student Affairs. Committee chair takes lead responsibility for getting proposal to Student Affairs VP.
  1. January 31: Vice President for Student Affairs presents funding proposal to President’s Council meeting. Student Affairs VP is responsible for presenting the proposal to the President’s Council and notifying Committee chair of the outcome.
  1. February 15: If funds are awarded, Scholarship Committee determines the award amounts for the Grants and Awards. Scholarship Committee authorizes Financial Aid office to run the automated process that determines awards for the need-based Student Senate Grant. The Amount allocated for these grants is approximately 50% of funding total, plus an “attrition allowance” of 12.5% of the funding total. Scholarship committee chair notifies financial aid director, who is then responsible for completing the automated process.
  1. March 1: 1) Scholarship Committee finishes working with Information Technology staff and Financial Aid Staff to prepare application forms, print and online, for Student Senate Academic Achievement Award. 2) Scholarship Committee completes work with Financial Aid staff, registrar’s staff, and public relations staff to develop publicity strategy and prepare publicity materials for Student Senate Academic Achievement Award. Committee chair takes lead responsibility.
  1. March 15: Scholarship Committee initiates and oversees publicity campaign for Academic Achievement Awards. Committee chair takes lead responsibility.
  1. March 15 – May 15: Financial Aid Office receives applications for Academic Achievement Awards and within three business days sends acknowledgments of each application received. Director of Financial Aid oversees this step.
  1. May 15: 1) Financial Aid director completes automated process for awarding need-based Student Senate Awards and prepares report for Scholarship Committee. Financial Aid Director is responsible. 2) Application Deadline for Academic Achievement Awards. Financial Aid Office acknowledges receipt of applications within three business days. Financial Aid Director is responsible for both of these steps.
  1. June 7: 1) Financial Aid Office runs automated programs for determining Grants and Awards for applicants, and prepares reports of the results for the Scholarship Committee. Financial Aid Director is responsible. 2) Scholarship committee reviews reports for Grants and Awards, negotiates solutions to any problems suggested by the data, and authorizes awards. Scholarship committee chair is responsible.
  2. June 21: Financial Aid Office notifies those who received funds and those who did not. Financial Aid Director is responsible.
  1. September 1: Financial Aid Office works with Financial Management Office to disburse awards to fall semester recipients. Financial Aid Director is responsible.
  1. January 21: Financial Aid Office works with Financial Management Office to disburse awards to spring semester recipients. Financial Aid Director is responsible.

Section 7. Review

This policy will be subject to review on a biennial basis, or as needed.

Section 8. Approval

Issued on this 7th day of April, 2010.

Sue K. Hammersmith, Ph.D., President