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Policy 4010: Posting Policy

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Administrative Affairs Policy #4010

Section 1. Policy Purpose

This policy defines the university policy related to informational postings in Metropolitan State University buildings with the purpose of supporting clean, neat and well-maintained facilities and providing a systematic process that facilitates the posting of appropriate communications in appropriate areas.

Section 2. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to the operating authority granted to the President by Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU).

Section 3. Effective Date

This policy shall become effective by the signature of the President and remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementation and regulation of this policy is assigned to the Director of Facility Use and Special Events.

Section 5. Objective

The University’s objective is to inform employees and students of university guidelines and procedures for posting information items that are designed to facilitate the achievement of institutional goals and objectives. We want the University environment to be attractive and appropriately managed.

Section 6. Implementation

Informational items should have direct relevance to the mission of the university. Items should provide information to students, staff, and the greater college community and should address administrative, instructional, or college-approved activities.

Non-university sponsored and/or external groups or individuals need authorization to post the by the Director of Facility Use and Special Events. The appropriateness of questionable items will be determined by the Associate Vice President of Administrative Affairs according to what is deemed to be consistent with state and municipal laws, appropriateness for posting in a public facility, size of Bulletin Boards, safety considerations, as well as other practical considerations that may be appropriate.

  1. Board Assignment

Posting is permitted only on assigned boards (see assignment list). Boards will be assigned to Metropolitan State University departments, Student Activity Programs, class schedule information, and general information.

  1. Bulletin boards identified as “General Information” will be provided by Building Services. A minimum of one “General Information” board will be placed in each building. Building Services is responsible for maintaining the board. However, all postings must be removed by the sponsoring individual or department in accordance with the guidelines below.
  2. Bulletin boards identified as “Student Activities” will be purchased by the department and all postings require approval of the Student Activities Director or their designee. The student activities office is responsible for the placement and removal of all materials in accordance with the guidelines below.
  3. Bulletin boards identified as “Department Boards” will be purchased by the department and postings require approval of the department chair or their designee. The department is responsible for the placement and removal of all materials in accordance with the guidelines below.
  4. Bulletin boards identified as “Class Schedule” will be provided by Building Services and all postings require approval of the Director of Facility Use and Special Events or their designee. The scheduling office is responsible for the placement and removal of all materials.
  5. All boards should be clearly labeled with the type of information that may be posted and who to contact for posting approval.
  6. Space for commercial postings.
  7. General Regulations for Posting

All postings will conform to the following regulations:

  1. All postings must include the date posted.
  2. Normally, no materials are to be posted on hallway wall space, doors, glass, windows, bathroom stalls, or any other non-designated space without prior approval from the Director of Facility Use and Special Events. Exceptions may be made for directional signs related to a specific event. Clips shall be used on classroom doors.
  3. Event related materials may be posted three weeks in advance of the activity.
  4. Term related materials may be posted four weeks in advance of start date.
  5. Posted items are to remain within the perimeter of the bulletin board.
  6. Posted items shall be no larger than 8 ½” x 14” unless otherwise approved per Section 6.
  7. Posted items should not cover any other posted material.
  8. Only one posting for the same event may be posted per board.
  9. Postings may not be placed on walls, windows, doors, ceilings or other non-designated space without prior approval.
  10. General Regulations for Posting Removal
  11. Normally, all postings will be removed within 24 hours after the activity.
  12. In the event that directions are necessary to be temporarily posted to facilitate access/egress — directions must be removed immediately afterwards.
  13. Information items not posted within board perimeter will be removed by the board owner, janitorial staff, building management, and/or security officers.
  14. Informational items posted within board perimeter without authorization will be removed by the board owner, janitorial staff, building management, and/or security officers.
  15. Violation of Posting Policy

Repeated violation of the posting policy may result in revocation of posting privileges for individuals, groups or departments.

Section 7. Review

This policy is subject to review on an annual basis.

Section 8. Approval

Issued on this 27th day of March, 2001.

President, Wilson G. Bradshaw, Ph.D.


Dayton’s Bluff Campus

Founder’s Hall:

Lower Level (Vending Area) - General Information

Lower Level (Tunnel) - General Information

First Floor (Entry) - Class Schedule

First Floor ( Elevator) - General Information

First Floor (Suite 115) - Career Services

First Floor (Suite 105) - Financial Aid

First Floor (Suite 101) - Registration

Second Floor (Suite 215) - Public Affairs

Second Floor (Suite 201) - Women’s Services

Second Floor (Suite 201) - Student Activities

Third Floor - Human Resources (2)

Third Floor - Equal Opportunity and Diversity

New Main:

Great Hall (North) - Class Schedule

Great Hall (South) - Class Schedule

Lower Level 1 (South) - Teaching Center

Lower Level 1 (North) - General Information

Lower Level 1 - Computer Center

Lower Level 1 Library / Writing Center

Lower Level 2 (North Door) - General Information

Lower Level 2 (Commons) - Human Resources

Lower Level 2 (L207) - SEC

Lower Level 2 (North Stairs) - Class Schedule

Lower Level 2 (South Stairs) - Health Center

Lower Level 2 (Café) - Student Activities

Lower Level 2 (Psych. Lab) - Psychology Department

St. John’s Hall:

Lower Level (Mail Room) - AFSME

Lower Level (Vending) - General Information

First Floor (Entry) - Class Schedule

First Floor (Elevator) - General Information

Second Floor - CPCS

Third Floor - CAS

Midway Campus

First Floor (Elevator) - Class Schedule

First Floor (Reception) - SOLE

Fist Floor (Computer Lab) - Computer Center

Lower Level (Courtesy Phone) - General Information

Lower Level (Copier) - General Information

Lower Level (LL3) - Writing Center

Minneapolis Campus

Lower Level (Vending) - Career Services (?)

Lower Level (Vending) - Student Activities

Lower Level (Vending) - General Information

Lower Level (Lounge) - Student Postings

Mail Room - Human Resources

Mail Room - AFSCME / Council 6

First Floor (Elevator) - Class Schedule

First Floor (near Admissions) - General Information

Third Floor - Ethnic Studies Department

Fifth Floor - General Information

Sixth Floor - Computer Center / Library Services

Seventh Floor (Elevator) - College of Business and Management

Seventh Floor (Lobby) - Internship Office

Eighth Floor - General Information

Northwest Campus

Lobby - Class Schedule

Lobby - General Information