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Policy 4020: Use of University-Provided Parking Facilities

Download Policy 4020: Use of University-Provided Parking Facilities

This PDF is the official text of this policy. If there are any incongruities between the text of the HTML version (rightbelow) and the text within the PDF file, the PDF will be considered accurate and overriding.

Section 1. Purpose

To articulate the rights, responsibilities, and means by which Metropolitan State University will provide and manage parking facilities and services for students, faculty, staff, and guests in accordance with Minnesota Statutes §136F.67m and Board Policy 5.11, which require colleges and universities to develop a policy to charge parking fees to generate revenue for parking lot construction, improvements and maintenance, and for parking enforcement.

Section 2. Definitions


Section 3. Policy

In order to provide safe and adequate parking assets and services, Metropolitan State University requires all users of parking facilities provided by Metropolitan State University to pay for such usage. In conformance with state law and Board policy, this usage fee is assessed regardless of whether the facility is owned, leased, occupied, or operated by the University. Metropolitan State University will provide parking services and collect parking fees and fines in accordance with University Procedure #402. Specific terms apply to each category of user.

A. Administrators, Staff, and Faculty

All administrators, staff, and faculty, including Community Faculty, are required to personally pay for the right to park in Metropolitan State University-provided parking facilities. Individuals signed up for parking privileges will have those parking privileges at all Metropolitan State University locations where parking is provided. Individuals who park in University-provided facilities without making payment will be subject to the enforcement measures detailed in University Procedure #402. The University will not provide reimbursements to administrators, staff, or faculty for parking at University-provided parking facilities.

B. Students

All students will pay the established per-credit parking fee in accordance with Minnesota State Board of Trustees approved rates, developed through consultation with Student Senate.

C. Guests and Visitors at the St. Paul Dayton’s Bluff Location

All guests and visitors will be expected to pay for use of Metropolitan State University-provided parking facilities at the Dayton’s Bluff campus location. On a limited and incidental basis, the University may provide a parking voucher to an individual on campus to conduct official campus business. Vouchers may also be provided to prospective students and/or donors at the discretion of the University President.

University budgets may be used to pay for parking for participants of campus events only with the approval of the President or Chief Financial Officer.

Section 4. Authority

This policy is issued pursuant to the operating authority granted to the University's President by the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State system. (Procedure 1A.2.2, “Delegation of Authority”).

Section 5. Effective Date

This policy shall become effective upon signature by the President and remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 6. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementation and enforcement of this policy is assigned to the Vice President for Finance & Campus Operations.

Section 7. Review

This policy will be reviewed every three years, or more frequently as needed.

Section 8. Signature (s)

Issued on this date: November 16, 2018

Virginia “Ginny” Arthur, JD