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Procedure 402: Use of University-Provided Parking Facilities

Download Procedure 402: Use of University-Provided Parking Facilities

This PDF is the official text of this policy. If there are any incongruities between the text of the HTML version (rightbelow) and the text within the PDF file, the PDF will be considered accurate and overriding.

Section 1. Purpose

To provide direction for implementing University Policy 4020 governing the use of University-provided parking facilities, in accordance with Board Policy 5.11.

Section 2. Definitions


Section 3. Procedure

  1. Driving Behavior
    All users are expected to observe posted speed limits and safe driving practices in all parking facilities.
  2. Parking: Administrators, Staff, and Faculty
    Administrators, resident faculty, community faculty, and staff (hereafter referred to as “employees”) gain access to and pay for parking services as follows:
    1. Employees who use University provided parking facilities will pay parking rates established by the President in accordance with Board Procedure 5.11, Part 4, Subpart B. In establishing the rates for employees the President will set a rate that is equal to or greater than the rate established for students.
    2. Staff and resident faculty will pay a flat, bi-weekly rate for the academic year through payroll deduction.
    3. Community faculty who use University parking facilities will pay a per-credit rate based on their teaching load for the semester. However, staff and administrators who also serve as community faculty will be charged only the employee bi-weekly parking rate.
    4. All employees, including community faculty, may also pay the daily parking fee at access controlled parking facilities equipped with parking pay stations. Those parking at University locations which do not have access control must pay for parking either through payroll deduction or at the start of the semester through a lump sum.
    5. Part-time employees may pay a pro-rated parking fee based on established rates published annually by Campus Operations.
    6. Employees parking at sites without access control will be issued a hang tag and are expected to display the hang tag whenever parked in the University’s non-access controlled lots. Those who do not pay for parking may not use University-provided parking facilities.
    7. Daily parking rates for non-access controlled parking facilities may be made available if/when administratively feasible.
    8. All employees must complete a parking declaration, indicating their choice of payment method or attesting to their non-usage of University parking facilities.
    9. All employees, other than community faculty, who are not already paying for parking through payroll deduction must complete the parking declaration:
      • within five days of the adoption of this policy, or
      • within five days of their employment with the University or
      • by the second contract day of the academic year .
      • Community faculty must submit the parking declaration no later than their first class meeting of the semester.
    10. Employees paying for parking will have access to parking at all University sites.
    11. The University ID card and hang tag shall not be shared by the holder with another person.
    12. Employees who are also students will be charged only the employee bi-weekly parking rate.
    13. Employees may make only one parking action/change per term. Employees may request additional changes with the approval of the Vice President for Finance and Operations.
  3. Students
    1. Students are charged a per-credit fee that is determined by the President annually, after consultation with the Student Senate and approval by the Board.
    2. Financial Management will publish all approved fees, including this parking fee, by the first day of the fiscal year.
    3. Students registered for the current term will have access to University parking facilities beginning 14 days prior to the start of the term and ending on first day of the following term.
    4. Students who are dropped from classes for non-payment of fees will lose access to parking services on the day following course cancellation.
    5. Students who withdraw from all courses for the term during the withdrawal period will receive a refund of parking fees on the same basis as refund requests for other fees, as described in Minnesota State Board Policy 12.
    6. Students who have incomplete course work or are on academic probation, and who are not registered for any other classes, may request their parking privileges remain in effect for one academic term beyond their incomplete course in order to meet with faculty, advisors, tutors, etc. This request must be made to the Parking Office in the Campus Operations Department.
    7. Students who enroll after the start of the semester gain access on the day after enrollment.
    8. Students’ parking access information is stored on their University photo ID cards, which are needed for access to the Dayton’s Bluff and Minneapolis Community & Technical College ramps. The University ID card shall not be shared by the holder with another person.
    9. Other information about student parking is available on the Parking Office webpage.
    10. Students who are also employees may request a waiver of student parking fees through the Financial Management office.
  4. Visitors at the St. Paul Dayton’s Bluff Location
    1. Visitors shall pay the daily visitor rate for parking,
    2. Administrators may provide validated parking vouchers to their visitors on a limited and incidental basis. Vouchers will be charged to the administrator’s cost center at the rate listed on the Parking Office webpage. Vouchers shall not be used to provide employee parking or parking for events.
    3. Parking for events held on campus shall follow the External and Partnership Event Policy (#4600) and Procedure (#460).
  5. Contractors
    The Parking Office webpage describes the terms and rates by which contractors engaged by the University may park on campus.
  6. Special Parking Conditions at the Dayton’s Bluff (Saint Paul) Campus
    1. Overnight parking will be permitted in the surface lots or parking ramp with at least 24 hour advance notice to the Parking office, while the employee or student is engaged in official Metropolitan State University business. The vehicle owner’s information must be on file with the Safety and Security office.
    2. Current parking information and employee parking registration forms are posted on the University Service Management website and on the Parking Office webpage.
    3. Accessible parking stalls are available at the Saint Paul (Dayton’s Bluff) campus in the parking ramp, center courtyard, and the East 7th Street lot north of New Main and Saint John’s halls. These accessible stalls require a state-issued accessible (or handicap) parking hangtag or license plate and a University-provided hang tag for employees and students. The University-provided hang tag is available from the Center for Accessibility Resources.
    4. In the center courtyard, a limited number of marked auto and motorcycle stalls is available for 30-minute parking without payment. These stalls are intended for visitors and guests of the University, not for employees or students.
    5. The North Lot (behind the library) is reserved for faculty and staff who work late hours in the Library and Learning Center and have paid for parking. Parking hangtags are required for parking in the North Lot.
    6. Parking in the Library’s East Lot is reserved for patrons of the Dayton’s Bluff Public library only. Parking time limits are posted.
    7. Parking in the East 7th St. Lot (north of St. John’s Hall and New Main) is assigned to employees and contractors paying for parking (see Parking Office webpage).

Section 4. Authority

These Procedures are issued pursuant to the operating authority granted to the University's President by the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota State system (Procedure 1A.2.2, “Delegation of Authority”).

Parking fees and fines are calculated in accordance with Minnesota State Procedure 5.11.1, “Tuition and Fees,” Part 4, “Mandatory Fees,” Subpart B, “Parking Fees.” This procedure reads, in part, as follows:

  1. Colleges and universities shall develop a policy to charge parking fees to generate revenue for parking lot construction, improvements and maintenance, and parking enforcement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §136F.67.
  2. The president shall determine the fees. Students shall pay an amount that is equal to or less than that paid by the colleges' and universities' employees for the same type of parking (e.g. reserved, general, etc.).
  3. Colleges and universities have the option to collect fines and towing fees for parking violations pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §136F.5

In accordance with Minnesota Statute 136F.53, “Parking and Traffic Regulation, College and University Presidents have the authority to adopt and enforce policies related to parking and traffic control, on all property owned, leased, occupied, or operated by the state college or university.

Section 5. Effective Date

This procedure shall become effective upon signature by the President and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 6. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementation of this regulation is assigned to the Vice President for Finance & Operations/Chief Financial Officer.

Section 7. Review

This procedure will be reviewed as necessary.

Section 8. Signature(s)

Issued on this date: November 16, 2018
Virginia “Ginny” Arthur, JD