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Policy 5140: Resident Faculty Assignment Of Workload And Application For Overload Assignments

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Human Resources Policy #5140

Section 1. Policy

It is the intention of Metropolitan State University to adhere to the terms of the Master Agreement between the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) Board of Trustees and the Inter Faculty Organization as it relates to the assignment of workload and overload for resident faculty as provided in Articles 10, 12 and 13 of that agreement. University Procedure #514 specifies the process to be used by the administration in making workload and overload assignments.

Section 2. Authority

This university policy is established in accordance with relevant articles of the Master Agreement, as amended from time to time.

Section 3. Effective Date

This procedure shall become effective upon the signature of the president and shall remain in effect until modified or specifically revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

The responsibility for the implementation of this procedure is assigned to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, who may delegate responsibility for implementation to the academic deans.

Section 5. Definitions

  1. Workload as defined in Article 10, Section A of the Master Agreement includes teaching and class preparation, student advising, maintaining and improving expertise in a discipline and in pedagogy, serving on departmental and university committees, contributing to student growth and development, evaluating student performance, scholarly activities and service to the university and community.
  1. Full time Workload refers to that part of a faculty member’s workload which is teaching or advising related and is measured by undergraduate credit hours.
    1. For Metropolitan State resident faculty with full time appointments, Article 10, Section A, Subd.1 e. limits full time workload to a teaching load not to exceed twenty-one (21) undergraduate credits per academic year or nine month appointment.
    2. For Metropolitan State resident faculty with less than full time appointments, Article 10, Section A, Subd.1 e. limits full time workload to a teaching load not to exceed a pro-rata amount of twenty-one (21) undergraduate credits per academic year or nine month appointment, based on the percentage of time employed.
    3. In accordance with Article 10, Section A, Subd. 2. b. full time workload for Metropolitan State University resident faculty with full time appointments may not require advising of more than forty-five student advisees during an academic year or nine month appointment and a resident faculty with a part-time appointment shall not be required to advise more than a proportionate number of student advisees.
    4. A full time summer session workload shall consist of no more than six (6) credit hours.
  1. Overload as defined in Article 5, Section A, Subd. 30 is a specific assignment, acceptable to the faculty member and approved by the President or his/her designee, that occurs within a faculty member’s period of appointment and is in excess of the full time workload as defined in Article 10 for academic year or alternate nine-month appointments or Article 13 for summer appointments.

Section 6. Review

This policy will be reviewed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs after the ratification of a new Master Agreement and revisions will be made, as necessary, to bring it into compliance.

Section 7. Signature

Issued on this 5th day of June, 2014

Ginny Arthur, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs

Sue K. Hammersmith, Ph.D., President