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Policy 5160: Instructional Assignments for Non-IFO Employees

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University Policy #5160

Section 1. Objective

This policy is established to govern and define the parameters and procedures for documenting and authorizing assignment of instructional activities to employees who are not in the IFO bargaining unit.

Section 2. Authority

This procedure is established pursuant to the operating authority granted to the President by the Minnesota State College and University System Board of Trustees.

Section 3. Effective Date

This procedure shall become effective upon signature of the President and remain in effect until modified or revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementation of this procedure is assigned to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Section 5. Policy

Instruction as Part of Position Responsibilities: It should normally be the case that all components of an employee's assignment are contained within her/his regular university position. In that regard, it may be the case that an employee not in the IFO bargaining unit will have the preparation and interest requisite to teach a university course or to engage in other

instructional activities and that the employee's supervisor deems teaching such a course or other instructional activity to be an appropriate responsibility within the employee's position. In such instances, the supervisor, at the request, or with the approval, of the appropriate department, may assign instructional activities to constitute a portion of the employee's normal responsibilities.

Instruction in Addition to Position Responsibilities: It may occur that an employee will have the preparation and interest requisite to teach a course or engage in other instructional activities that are unrelated to his/her regular employment responsibilities. Such individuals may be hired to teach a course or to engage in other instructional activities in their area of expertise in

addition to their regular employment. Such instructional assignments should not be during the employee’s regular work hours unless the employee takes leave time or unless the employee’s supervisor and the appropriate vice president have approved other arrangements to compensate for the time.

Selection for Assignment: Selection for an Instructional assignment, whether as part of, or in addition to, an individual's regular university employment, must be in accordance with the usual standards of the department for faculty hiring, and individuals selected should be demonstrably well qualified to teach.

Section 6. Implementation

This policy will be implemented consistent with university policy and procedure and pertinent employee contracts.

When a department wishes to use the services of a non-IFO employee for an instructional activity, the department chair must discuss the proposed assignment with the employee who will discuss it with his/her supervisor.

Section 7. Review

This procedure shall be reviewed and modified as appropriate.

Section 8. Approval

Issued on this 13th day of September 2004.

William Lowe, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs

Wilson G. Bradshaw, President

Revised June 25, 2002

Revised 12/16.02

Revised 12/31/02jma

Revised 2/4/03jma

Revised 9/13/04nct/