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Procedure 506: Emeritus/Emerita Status

Download Procedure 506: Emeritus/Emerita Status

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Human Resources Procedure #506

Section 1. Purpose Statement

The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance to University employees regarding the Emeritus/Emerita Policy. Consistent with University Policy #5060, this procedure establishes the steps to be followed when awarding emeritus/emerita status.

Section 2. Scope

This procedure shall not supersede other federal and state laws, rules, and regulations, other Board of Trustees’ and University policies and procedures, or bargaining unit agreement and plans.

Section 3. Authority

In accordance with Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees policy 4.8, the president may confer emeritus/emerita status upon any faculty and staff member, and administrator who is retiring from employment at Metropolitan State University who meets the eligibility criteria set forth in University Policy #5060 (Emeritus/Emerita Status Policy).

Section 4. Effective Date

The university procedure becomes effective immediately upon the signature of the President and remains in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 5. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementation of this procedure is assigned to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Chief Human Resource Officer.

Section 6. Notification and Publication

By January 15th of each year, the Office of Human Resources will forward a copy of the Emeritus/Emerita Policy #5060 and Procedure #506 to the immediate supervisor/manager of those departments or areas in which eligible staff and faculty members and administrators have indicated by December 15th an intention to retire and given permission to announce their retirement publicly.

Section 7. Objective

To provide special honor for university employees who have served with great distinction. Recognition as emeritus/emerita shall not be awarded as a matter of due course, and is granted only to those whose service has been exemplary.

Section 8. Definitions

Immediate supervisor/manager: May include any of the following: president, vice president, dean, director, executive director, associate/assistant dean.

Section 9. Procedure

A. The department or area will, if it wishes to do so, nominate eligible staff and faculty members and administrators by February 15 by forwarding a recommendation to the immediate supervisor/manager of the department or area.

B. The department/area immediate supervisor/manager will forward the recommendation to the appropriate Vice President for review and final recommendation to the President.

C. The president will issue his/her final recommendation and/or approval to the appropriate Vice President.

D. The president’s office will forward the approved recommendations to the Publications Office for ordering framed certificates.

E. Emeritus/a status will be conferred upon faculty member, staff member, or administrator and announced at spring commencement in the academic year in which they are selected for emeritus/a status.

Section 10. Emeritus/a Privileges

A. The university will send all emeriti/ae regular university communications, such as the Catalyst and the Faculty Newsletter, as well as invitations to university events.

B. The university will list all emeriti/ae in the Catalog and will give them official university identification cards.

C. Emeriti/ae will have access to library and information services.

D. Every effort will be made to encourage interaction between and among emeriti/ae and other university faculty members, staff members, and administrators by providing them with space on the university campus.

Section 11. Review

This procedure is subject to review on an annual basis, or as needed.

Section 12. Approval

Issued on this 13th day of May, 2014.

Sue K. Hammersmith, Ph.D., President