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Procedure 514: Resident Faculty Assignment of Workload and Application for Overload

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University Procedure #514

Section 1. Purpose

This procedure provides rules for making faculty workload and overload assignments in compliance with the Master Agreement between the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) Board of Trustees and the Inter Faculty Organization (IFO), hereafter the Master Agreement, and with University Policy # 5140.

Section 2. Authority

This university procedure is established in accordance with relevant articles of the IFO Master Agreement, as amended from time to time.

Section 3. Effective Date

This procedure shall become effective upon the signature of the president and shall remain in effect until modified or specifically revoked.

Section 4. Responsibility

The responsibility for the implementation of this procedure is assigned to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Provost may delegate responsibility for implementation to the academic deans.

Section 5. Assignment of Regular Workload

  1. The Deans, in consultation with the departments through the department chair and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, shall make workload assignments in accordance with the current agreement between the MnSCU Board of Trustees and the IFO.
  1. Assignment of specific duties shall be made by the Dean to whom the faculty member reports. Workload limits, credits and duty day assignments shall conform to the provisions of Articles 10, 12 and 13 of the Master Agreement.
  1. For calculation of teaching workload the following equivalencies apply:
    1. For team taught courses, course credits are apportioned between or among the course instructors based on their respective percentage of contribution to course instruction.
    2. Master’s level courses are compensated in accordance with the terms of the IFO Master Agreement.
    3. A doctoral level course credit is calculated as the equivalent of 1.5 workload credits. This credit equivalency shall apply only to courses exclusively for doctoral degree students.
    4. All other course instruction is assigned to workload in accordance with the terms found in Article 10 of the IFO Master Agreement.
  1. OFFICE HOURS. Office hour obligations are determined according to the terms of Article 10, Section A, Subd. 2 of the IFO Master Agreement.
  1. NON-Teaching Faculty. Assignment of workload is made in accordance with the terms of Article 10, Section B. of the current IFO Master Agreement.

Section 6: Application for Overload Assignment

  1. When there is a need for resident faculty to teach a particular course or perform duties in addition to regular workload, the Dean and Provost, after consultation with the department, may approve requests for overload assignments. All overload assignments must be approved by both the Dean and the Provost.
  1. Overload will not be approved without evidence that there are compelling academic reasons for the overload assignment, and that the overload assignment will not negatively affect the faculty member’s ability to carry out his/her professional responsibilities as set forth in the IFO Master Agreement. Rationale supporting overload requests must be kept on file in the Dean’s office.
  1. In accordance with Article 12, Section B, Subd. 2 alternative learning strategies, which include theory seminars and those listed in the Article 10, Section J, Subd. 3 chart, are considered overload assignments and are subject to approval by both the Dean and Provost.

Section 7: REVIEW

This procedure will be reviewed by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Chief Human Resource Officer following every settlement of the Master Agreement between the MnSCU Board of Trustees and the IFO.

Section 8. SIGNATURE:

Issued on the 23rd day of February, 2015

Devinder D. Malhotra, Ph.D., Interim President