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Procedure 515: Compensation Rates for Community and Resident Faculty For Non-Class Instruction Duties

Download Procedure 515: Compensation Rates for Community and Resident Faculty For Non-Class Instruction Duties

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Section 1. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is twofold: to provide the amounts to be used to compensate community and resident faculty for non-class instruction duties, sometimes referred to as alternative learning strategies, in accordance with Article 10, Section J, Subd. 3 of the Master Agreement between the Minnesota State Board of Trustees and the Inter Faculty Organization (IFO), hereinafter referred to as the Master Agreement; and to determine the amount of overload payment for resident faculty in accordance with Article 12, Section B, Subd. 2 of the Master Agreement.

Section 2. Definitions

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Section 3. Procedure

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Section 4. Authority

This procedure is issued pursuant to the authority granted under MnSCU policy 1A.1, Part 6, Subpart G. and the provisions of the Master Agreement, as amended from time to time.

Section 5. Effective Date

This university procedure shall become effective upon the signature by the president, and shall remain in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 6. Responsibility

The responsibility for the implementation of this procedure is assigned to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and the Chief Human Resource Officer.

Section 7. Compensation Schedule

  1. Instructional credits for Community Faculty are paid, at minimum, at the per credit hour rate specified in Article 11. Section M of the current Master Agreement.
    1. Inasmuch as the Master Agreement establishes minimum levels of compensation, doctoral level course credits are equivalent to 1.5 credits for payment purposes.
    2. For courses enrolling both graduate and undergraduate students, faculty will be paid based on the undergraduate course designation.
  2. Theory seminars will be compensated at a rate of $65.00/credit/student.
  3. Independent studies will be compensated, effective Spring Semester 2018 (FY18), at the following rates:
    1. Faculty designed independent studies (FDIS) at $65.00/credit/student. The maximum number of students in an FDIS is ten (10) students. The maximum number of students an individual faculty member can teach in all assigned FDIS courses in a fiscal year is sixty (60) students.
    2. Student-designed independent studies (SDIS) will be compensated per student with a flat rate of $125 for one (1) credit, and the flat rate of $125 plus $65 per credit for more than one (1) credit.
      • 1 credit course $125
      • 2 credit course $125 plus $65 per credit ($255)
      • 3 credit course $125 plus $65 per credit ($320)
      • 4 credit course $125 plus $65 per credit ($385)
  4. Internships will be compensated at the following rates:
    1. Individual internship supervision $42/credit/student
    2. Group internships with fewer than 15 students $65/credit/student
    3. Group internships with 15 or more students at the regular course rate
  5. Assessment of prior learning, effective Spring Semester 2018 (FY18) will be compensated per student with a flat rate of $100 for one (1) credit, and the flat rate of $100 plus $45 per credit for more than one (1) credit.
    • 1 credit course $100
    • 2 credit course $100 plus $45 per credit ($190)
    • 3 credit course $100 plus $45 per credit ($235)
    • 4 credit course $100 plus $45 per credit ($280)
    • Note: This compensation will be paid even if the student is not awarded credit but did not withdraw.
  6. Teaching workshops are compensated in accordance with the rates specified in Article 10, Sec. J of the Master Agreement.
  7. Doctoral Compensation (including Doctor of Nursing Practice, and Doctor of Business Administration)
    1. Development and assessment of comprehensive examination materials. Faculty who take part in the development of questions and/or the assessment of comprehensive examinations shall be compensated at a rate of at least $50 per student for question development and/or assessment via a Faculty Designed Independent Study.
    2. Dissertation Readership, Mentorship, and other curricular capacities. Faculty members who complete dissertation mentorship/readership duties will be compensated for their efforts upon the completion of said student’s doctoral process or other gateway, generally upon successful dissertation defense and/or completion of the doctoral capstone will be compensated with at least $350 per student dissertation via a Student Designed Independent Study for faculty, and payment as a contractor for non-university readers.
    3. Dissertation Advisement Compensation Plan. Commencing Fall 2017, a total of five (5) credits will be paid to each dissertation advisor across two gateways: a) 2 credits at the time of defended proposal, and b) 3 credits at the time of final dissertation completion. Those faculty who have already collected 2 or more credits for dissertation advising and have students who have not completed the proposal will forfeit their 2 credits at proposal, but will be compensated with 3 credits at final dissertation completion. Payments shall be made as overload in those cases in which the faculty advisor exceeds the 24 or 29 credit limits.
  8. Other related payments. From time to time, a schedule of other payments may be established through the local meet and confer process. This procedure will be updated to incorporate these changes.
  9. In all other cases, if additional compensation is to be paid for other types of instructional or non-instructional assignments, the additional compensation will be divided by the formulated base salary to determine the FTE for the assignment. The formulated base salary is the minimum salary for an associate professor as specified in the current IFO Master Agreement. These assignments must be counted toward the maximum credit cap on community faculty workload as set by the Master Agreement.

Section 8. Resident Faculty Compensation for Alternative Learning Strategies

Article 12, Section B, Subd. 2 of the Master Agreement provides that with prior approval of the Provost, who is the president’s designee, resident faculty may accept alternative learning strategy assignments as overload. In accordance with Article 12, the alternative learning strategies will be compensated at the same rates as established for community faculty in Section 5 of this procedure.

Section 9. Review

This procedure will be reviewed by the Provost/Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs and the Chief Human Resource Officer after each negotiated settlement of the Master Agreement between the Minnesota State Board of Trustees and the IFO has been approved by the Minnesota Legislature.

Section 10. Signature

Issued on this date: March 14, 2019

Virginia “Ginny” Arthur, JD

Date of Adoption: 03/14/19
Date of Implementation: xx/xx/xx
Date of Last Review: xx/xx/xx
Date and Subject of Amendments:

Additional History and/or Revision Dates:
Revisions: Issued on 2-23-15, minor amendment for clarity on 4-6-15, reposted 4-20-17, revised compensation for FDIS, SDIS and PLA on 1-19-18.