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Procedure 519: Tuition Reimbursement Procedure

Download Procedure 519: Tuition Reimbursement Procedure

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University Procedure #519

Section 1. Purpose

Metropolitan State University believes that training and development are integral components of work performance, and are inherently tied to the university’s mission, goals, strategic planning, workforce planning and the provision of services to the public. Metropolitan State University values the dignity and the potential of its employees and believes that developing employee potential, through education and training, is critical to organizational effectiveness.

Section 2. Scope

This procedure shall not supersede other federal and state laws, rules and regulations, other university policies and procedures, or bargaining unit agreements and plans.

Section 3. Authority

This procedure is based on provisions of Minnesota Management and Budget’s administrative procedures on employee training and development; and on the terms of applicable collective bargaining agreements, and is subject to change in accordance with them.

Section 4. Effective Date

This procedure shall become effective upon signature of the President and remains in effect until modified or expressly revoked.

Section 5. Responsibility

The responsibility for implementation of this procedure is assigned to the Chief Human Resources Officer.

Section 6. Eligibility

  1. Tuition reimbursement is available for credit-bearing courses offered at Metropolitan State University to AFSCME, MAPE, MMA and Commissioner’s Plan employees with fewer than three years of consecutive Minnesota State Colleges and Universities service.
  1. Ineligible employees:
  • Intermittent (not in Bargaining Unit), temporary, and emergency employees
  • Employees on leave of absence
  1. Coursework approved for tuition reimbursement must be part of the employee’s degree plan or related to the employee’s job responsibilities.
  1. Employees may not use tuition reimbursement AND tuition waiver simultaneously. AFSCME, MAPE, MMA and Commissioner’s Plan employees with over three years of consecutive MnSCU service are eligible for the tuition waiver benefit as described in employee bargaining agreements.

Section 7. Funding

The Human Resources budget will fund the tuition reimbursement program, only to the budgeted amount, on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Employee Request for Tuition Reimbursement for Metropolitan State University Credits

Employee’s request for reimbursement of 75 percent of tuition for up to 8 semester credits per year may be approved by the supervisor if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. staffing needs can be met in the employee’s absence if the course will be taken during the employee’s regular work day;

b. coursework is job-related or counts toward a Metropolitan State University degree;

c. enrollment is for Metropolitan State University course(s);

d. the employee has permanent or probationary classified status and is employed for at least one-half time; and

e. the employee is not yet eligible for tuition waiver,

Section 8. Approval of Release Time

If the course takes place during the employee’s work hours, the supervisor may allow the employee either to take vacation time or to rearrange his/her schedule to make up the time spent in class.

Section 9. Process

  1. Employee pays all tuition and fees.
  1. Employee completes the following forms:
  • Request for Tuition Reimbursement Form
  • Request to Incur Special Expense (note: the Request to Incur Special Expense form is completed when the reimbursement request exceeds $500)
  • Required signatures (as noted on each form) are obtained
  1. The approved Tuition Reimbursement Form and Request to Approve Special Expense Form are forwarded to the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO) for review. Employee is notified of decision made by CHRO.
  1. Upon course completion, the employee sends the following documents to Human Resources:
  • a screen print of passing grade,
  • a SEMA4 Employee Expense Report
  • a receipt for the tuition paid
  1. Human Resources will retain copies and forward the originals to Financial Management for processing. The reimbursement will be paid to the employee through payroll.

Section 10. Review

This procedure is subject to review on an annual basis, or as needed.

Section 11. Signature

Issued on this date: December 31, 2014

Devinder M. Malhotra, Interim President