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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

From the President

Hopes and dreams become real for fall graduates

Posted December 12, 2016

Dear colleagues and students:

Today marks the end of our fall semester for 2016.

Tonight’s commencement ceremony is the culmination of the hopes and dreams of 1,175 students who will receive their degrees. Our enrollment outlook for spring semester is positive.

It has been an eventful and productive semester. Our students’ achievements, our strong enrollment, and the vibrant life of our University would not be possible without your continuing commitment and hard work. Thank you!

I wish each of you a peaceful and restorative holiday season. Let us begin 2017 with a renewed commitment to providing an extraordinary education and to serving the needs of our communities for well-educated citizens.

And for those who are unable to attend tonight’s commencement, the ceremony will be live streamed so you can watch your friends and colleagues graduate. Tweet your congratulations to #metrostategraduate!

With my best wishes,

President Virginia "Ginny" Arthur, JD

Metropolitan State University