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Metropolitan State University: Campus and community safety are of utmost importance

Saint Paul, Minn.—A physical assault occurred at approximately 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 19, on the Saint Paul Campus outside of New Main on the exterior stairwell on the north 7th Street side of the building. The individual who was assaulted is an employee of our University and was physically harmed. 

The Saint Paul Police Department (SPPD) was contacted and searched the area and Campus Safety Officers were notified after the incident transpired. The person of interest has not been located at this time. SPPD’s investigation is ongoing.

The individual who was attacked is now resting at home. Out of concerns for privacy, the University has chosen not to disclose the individual’s name. 

Safety staff and the police will continue to conduct additional exterior tours around campus. SPPD has also stepped up patrols around campus and our security team is also making more frequent foot patrols through campus buildings and grounds.

This violent act is frightening and violates all of our most important university principles of openness, welcome, inclusion and security. The safety of each and every member of our community is our top priority and we are doing all we can to assist the police in their investigation. The university’s Chief Financial Officer and Vice President for Finance and Operations, Tracy Hatch, will be available to speak with media regarding this incident and Metropolitan State’s commitment to our university community. She can be reached at 651-793-1912 or For other inquires, contact Robert Boos, communications and media relations coordinator, at 651-793-1818 or

Metropolitan State University serves a diverse population and is committed to anti-racism and a positive learning, working and living environment. Our role is to assist in the creation of an environment in which every member of the university community is valued and everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

We live in volatile and contentious times. An attack on any member of our community is an attack on all of us and creates feelings of fear and insecurity.  We will continue to stand strong together and extend a supportive hand, especially to those who may be feeling most vulnerable.

Metropolitan State University, a member of Minnesota State, is the Twin Cities public, urban, comprehensive state university providing lifelong learning, and competitive academic and professional degree programs at the bachelor, master and doctoral levels.

For media inquiries

Laura Lindahl
Director of Marketing and Communications