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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

ACCT 550G Governmental and Not-for-profit Accounting

Financial and managerial accounting for governmental and other not-for-profit entities are covered. Topics include: general and special funds accounting; enterprise funds; trust and agency funds; general fixed asset and long term debt groups; financial reporting; governmental costing and budgeting; public school and university accounting; hospital accounting; and accounting for selected not-for-profit organizations. This course focuses on the principles, methods, terminology, influences, and limitations of not-for-profit accounting. The course also covers the development, planning, control and managerial uses of budgeting.
4 Graduate credits

Effective July 26, 2000 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Explain the characteristics that distinguish governmental and not-for-profit entities from for-profit entities.
  • Distinguish between the authoritative bodies responsible for setting financial reporting standards for state and local governments, not-for-profit organizations and the federal government.
  • Explain the components for GASB integrated accounting and financial reporting model, including: the reporting entity, Government-wide financial statements, fund financial statements, and definition of fund and principles of fund accounting.
  • Explain how revenues and expenditures are classified in the General Fund.
  • Distinguish between exchange and non-exchange transactions, and define the classifications used for non-exchange transactions.
  • Account for general capital assets, including: acquisition, maintenance, depreciation, impairment, and disposition.
  • Explain the purpose and types of debt service funds.
  • Describe governance issues of NPO boards, including incorporating documents and board membership.