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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

BIOL 312 Evolution

This course covers the science of evolutionary biology, including population genetics, microevolution, speciation, phylogenetics and macroevolution. The content and methods of modern research in evolutionary biology are emphasized; student read primary source scientific literature. Lab activities include field investigations, lab experiments, and computer modeling. Intended for biology, environmental science and life sciences teaching majors.


Special information

First day attendance is mandatory.
Note: Enrollment limited to Biology, Environmental Science and Life Science Teaching majors only, except by instructor permission.
5 Undergraduate credits

Effective August 1, 1998 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Apply this experience with research methods in evolutionary biology at the level necessary for success in senior undergraduate research.
  • Demonstrate quantitative reasoning skills and competency with algebra and statistics at a level appropriate for graduates of a bachelor's degree program in biology.
  • Design, propose, conduct, interpret, and present the results of an independent laboratory or field experiment in this subject area.
  • Explain and apply scientific knowledge in evolutionary biology, both theoretical and experimental, at the upper division level.
  • Read and interpret primary scientific literature in evolutionary biology.
  • Recall, explain and apply the concepts, knowledge and vocabulary of evolutionary biology at the level necessary for success in graduate study in this field.

Fall 2025

Section Title Instructor books eservices
01 Evolution Asplen, Mark K Books for BIOL-312-01 Fall 2025 Course details for BIOL-312-01 Fall 2025