BIOL 321 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
This course covers the comparative anatomy, development and evolution of the vertebrates. The course includes an integrated laboratory in which dissection of representative preserved vertebrates is performed. A weekend or evening field trip to zoo, aquarium and/or museum may be included. Intended for biology majors.
First day attendance is mandatory.
Note: Enrollment limited to Biology and Life Science Teaching majors only, except by instructor permission.
Special information
Note: Enrollment limited to Biology and Life Science Teaching majors only, except by instructor permission.
5 Undergraduate credits
Effective January 24, 2000 to May 6, 2025
Learning outcomes
- Competently dissect vertebrate specimens from a variety of taxonomic groups and identify major organs and their details.
- Read and interpret primary scientific literature in comparative anatomy.
- Recall, explain and apply scientific knowledge in comparative anatomy, both theoretical and experimental, at the upper division level.
- Recall, explain and apply the concepts, knowledge and vocabulary of comparative anatomy at the level necessary for success in graduate and professional study in this field.