BIOL 406 Biology of Cancer
Covers the genetic, physiological, and molecular principles underlying the causes and treatments of cancer. Course focuses on the regulatory pathways and their genetic flaws that govern cell proliferation, angiogenesis, malignancy and metastasis. Intended for biology majors in their senior year.
First day attendance is mandatory.
Note: Enrollment limited to Biology and Life Science Teaching majors only, except by instructor permission.
- BIOL 302: Cell Biology and BIOL 211: Principles of Genetics
- or BIOL 304: Molecular Biology and BIOL 211: Principles of Genetics
- or BIOL 211: Principles of Genetics and BIOL 320: Ecosystem and Global Ecology
- or BIOL 322: Comparative Animal Physiology and BIOL 211: Principles of Genetics
- or BIOL 211: Principles of Genetics and BIOL 324: Invertebrate Biology
- or BIOL 330: Advanced Microbiology and BIOL 211: Principles of Genetics
- or BIOL 211: Principles of Genetics and CHEM 325: Biochemistry I: Biomolecule Structure and Function
Special information
Note: Enrollment limited to Biology and Life Science Teaching majors only, except by instructor permission.
3 Undergraduate credits
Effective August 24, 2002 to present
Learning outcomes
- Explain and apply scientific knowledge in the biology of cancer, both theoretical and experimental, at the upper division level.
- Read and interpret primary scientific literature in cancer biology.
- Recall, explain and apply the concepts, knowledge and vocabulary of cancer biology at the level necessary for success in graduate study in this field.