BIOL 490H Honors Research Project
This course provides the capstone experience for students in the biology honors cohort. Student conducts a laboratory or field research project under the supervision of a resident science faculty member. Project includes formal written proposal, instructor approval, performance of appropriate scientific experiment or investigation, data analysis, and presentation of the final results in written and oral form to an appropriate audience. Prior successful completion of an upper division course with the instructor is generally required. Enrollment is limited to students in the Biology Honors cohort. Student must successfully complete 4 credits of BIOL 490H to fulfill requirements for graduation with Biology Honors.
First day attendance is mandatory.
Note: This honors course is open to students who have met the criteria and been granted honors biology status, a process administered by the Natural Sciences Department. All prerequisites must be completed with grade of B or above. Contact instructor or department chair for permission.
- BIOL 112: General Biology II and BIOL 111: General Biology I and CHEM 111: General Chemistry I and CHEM 112: General Chemistry II and MATH 115: College Algebra and PHYS 110: Introduction to Physics
- or PHYS 211: Calculus Based Physics I and PHYS 212: Calculus Based Physics II and STAT 201: Statistics I
- or MATH 208: Applied Calculus
Special information
Note: This honors course is open to students who have met the criteria and been granted honors biology status, a process administered by the Natural Sciences Department. All prerequisites must be completed with grade of B or above. Contact instructor or department chair for permission.
1-4 Undergraduate credits
Effective January 1, 2018 to present
Learning outcomes
- Design, propose, conduct, interpret, and present the results of an independent laboratory or field experiment in biology at the senior undergraduate level.
- Find, read, interpret and utilize primary scientific literature in biology.
- Apply their experience with research methods in biology at the level requisite for success in graduate or professional research.