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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

COMM 200 Creating Change through Communication, Writing and the Arts

This course presents a multidisciplinary exploration of how students can exercise responsible and productive citizenship, participate in the exchange of ideas, advocate for social justice and articulate issues for the common good through communication, writing and the arts. It also presents theoretical and ethical dimensions of communication, writing and the arts. Each week a faculty member from the Communication, Writing and the Arts Department presents a lecture/ workshop on his or her area of expertise and how it may be employed to create social and cultural change. Assignments include response papers, reflective papers, film analyses, group projects, and creative projects that require critical thinking, investigation and imagining new solutions to problems.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective May 2, 2018 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Appreciate how public discourse and art shape and reflect a pluralistic society.
  • Articulate and apply understanding of contemporary communication principles and strategies to civic and ethical concerns.
  • Exercise critical thinking in examining the ways communication and art can build, maintain, or undermine social and cultural structures.
  • Expand options for exercising voice and taking action.
  • Understand how artistic and communication tools may empower an individual in constructing arguments and advocating for a cause.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts

  • Demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
  • Understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within a historical and social context.
  • Respond critically to works in the arts and humanities.
  • Engage in the creative process or interpretive performance.
  • Articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities.

Goal 9: Ethical and Civic Responsibility

  • Examine, articulate, and apply their own ethical views.
  • Understand and apply core concepts (e.g. politics, rights and obligations, justice, liberty) to specific issues.
  • Analyze and reflect on the ethical dimensions of legal, social, and scientific issues.
  • Recognize the diversity of political motivations and interests of others.
  • Identify ways to exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.