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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

CRIM 331 Contemporary Issues in Policing

This course examines current issues confronting law enforcement officers and their agencies relative to the provision of police services to local communities. An example of the issues which are examined include: the role of police in a democratic society; management and policy development in law enforcement agencies; the paradigm shift from professional crime control policing to community oriented policing; police selection, training and socialization; the importance of diversity in policing and its relevance to provision of services to diverse communities; and the psychological and physical challenges associated with policing.

Special information

Note: Formerly known as LAWE 331. Must be a School of Criminology and Criminal Justice student, or instructor permission.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective May 3, 2023 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Describe and examine the critical issues facing law enforcement today.
  • Locate and identify academic research which can be used to develop strategies for the investigation of possible resolutions for law enforcement problems.
  • Appraise the available research addressing the critical issues facing law enforcement agencies.
  • Support or refute a position relating to critical issues in law enforcement using available academic research.
  • Demonstrate written communication skills.