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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

EDU 150 Preparing for the MTLE Basic Skills Test

This elective course prepares prospective teachers to take the Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examinations (MTLE) Basic Skills Test that is required for initial state teaching licensure. The course includes written and computerized applications as methods of instruction. Students will have opportunities to practice essential skills in preparation for successfully passing the MTLE Basic Skills Test that assesses reading, writing, and mathematical competence. Each class session will be held in a computer lab with individual computers provided for each student. There are no pre-requisites for this course, and it does not meet any program requirements.
1 Undergraduate credit

Effective May 2, 2012 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Complete practice tests in reading, writing, and mathematics for the MTLE.
  • Demonstrate improved knowledge of MTLE basic skills tests and various test preparation strategies.
  • Identify and practice reading, writing, and mathematical skill competencies for individual MTLE assessment.
  • Know how to utilize MTLE workbook and computerized software to assist in score success.