HSTD 394T Staff Training and Adult Development Theory Seminar
Students in this theory seminar focus on staff development and training techniques, and examine their roles and functions within nonprofit and public/governmental organizations. Attention is given to the identification of training needs, strategies for meeting those needs, information on adult learning, the use of evaluations, and the overall purpose of staff development and training within an organization. Students develop a hypothetical staff development program as a major project. Prerequisite: Obtain and complete diagnostic test/or essay from the Teaching Center. Overlap: HSTD 394 Staff Training and Development.
Overlap: HSTD 394 Staff Training and Development.
Special information
4 Undergraduate credits
Effective August 24, 2002 to present
Learning outcomes
- Analyze the role and impact of training in helping organizations to reach their objectives, as demonstrated by conducting an organizational needs analysis.
- Comprehend and apply information about adults learning theory, as evidenced by developing course learning outcomes.
- Perform and apply skills of program design as demonstrated by developing a complete training program.