HSTD 399T The Changing Workplace
The world of work is dynamic, multifaceted and is characterized by ongoing change. Students in this theory seminar gain a better understanding of the workplace and have the chance to explore their own unique work roles as they relate to human services, training and adult development issues. In particular, students meet the following learning objectives: understand the dynamics between work, family and community; gain awareness of workplace issues and resources in the media, including the Internet; identify historical and current trends in the area of work and career development; understand and analyze training programs that address workplace issues and the impact on the employees-as it relates to human services; assess and analyze the changing work/family patterns on gender roles; understand the changing demographics in terms of race, class, ethnicity, gender, disability and other underserved populations; and the implications of all of these in the workplace.
4 Undergraduate credits
Effective August 24, 2002 to present
Learning outcomes
- Explore the historical and current issues in the areas of work and career development.
- Learn the issues and trends impacting the ever-changing world of work.
- Understand how underserved populations are impacted by the changing world of work.